"Certain Equivalence Relations in Transformation Semigroups" by Carol G. Doss

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

D. D. Miller

Committee Members

J. A. Cooley, Herbert L. Lee


The general object of this thesis is to study certain equivalence relations defined on a semigroup, in particular, to study certain equivalence relations defined on semigroups of single-valued transformations. We are interested in semigroups of transformations partly because every semigroup has as homomorphic image a semigroup of transformations (and hence a subsemigroup of a transformation semigroup of degree n for some n). This is a well-known fact, analogous to the Cayley Theorem on abstract groups, but we shall give a brief proof in Section 1. Section 1 is devoted to definitions and basic concepts. In Section 2 we prove some theorems concerning certain equivalence relations defined on a transformation semigroup of degree n. In Section 3 we present some results concerning the transformation semigroup T3 of degree 3.

As an appendix, we have listed all subsemigroups of T3 and the minimal generating sets of each such subsemigroup. The regular subsemigroups of T3 are marked by an asterisk and the pseudo-inverses of each element of T3 are listed.

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