"Evaluation of irrigation systems in Tennessee" by Hayri Berberoglu

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering

Major Professor

C. W. Bockhop

Committee Members

C. H. Shelton, H. V. Shirley Jr., H. C. Smith Jr., E. K. Boyce


The necessity and value of irrigation, which has already been proved by experiments, and the improvements in systems and methods of application to particular areas, prompted this study. By evaluation of present irrigation systems now in use throughout the state of Tennessee, it may be indicated which type is more adaptable for practical and economical use.

The purposes of this study ares (1) analysis of different irrigation methods, (2) comparison in detail of sprinkler systems with other irrigation methods, and (3) evaluation of sprinkler irrigation systems in Tennessee.

With the advancement of agriculture comes the necessity of guaranteeing the farmer adequate moisture for optimum plant growth,thereby increasing the production.

The purpose of irrigation is to artificially apply water to the soil when and where necessary and in proper quantities essential to optimum plant growth where there is insufficient natural rainfall to support adequately the growth of crops during the growing season.

From an economic viewpoint it has been proved by experimental and survey data that generally there is an increased yield of crops through the application of water lay supplemental irrigation over and above the yield resulting from normal rainfall.

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