Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Weigers, Jr.

Committee Members

Harold J. Smith, Lawrence N. Skold


In the field of Agricultural Education, teachers have followed prepared guides in the teaching of farm mechanics. According to some teachers, this was partly due to the limited time they have to collect and analyze data to enable them to set up a program to fit the needs of the students in a specific area.

In the area of instruction in fam mechanics, all students were taught the same things regardless of the type of farm they lived on the tenure status of their fathers.

The analysis of the data in this study my show its applicability to the following:

1. Used as a partial basis in formulating a new program of farm mechanics for vocational agricultural students and adult farmers in Cheatham County Central High School.

2. It may be applicable to other vocational agricultural departments.

3. It may reveal the need for other related studies.

4. It may provide means of correcting weakness this study reveals in other related studies.

5. It may provide information for course planning.

6. It may signify that present programs of farm mechanics are satisfactory in the light of the factors studied.

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