"The Summer Season Climatic and Vegetational Gradient Between Point Bar" by Edward Ernst Cooper Clebsch

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Royal E. Shanks

Committee Members

A. J. Sharp, James T. Tanner


The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the summer season climatic gradient between Point Barrow and Meade River, Alaska, and to determine to what degree the gradient is reflected in the vegetation of the area. The area under consideration includes the northernmost portion of the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska and extends from 70° 25' to 71° 25' north latitude and from 156° 30' to 157° 30' west longitude. All points in the area lie within thirty miles of the Arctic Ocean, and Point Barrow itself extends some four miles out into the ocean as a narrow gravel spit.

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