Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1947
The History of Augusta Military Academy, Emmett Eugene Rhoades
The unidentified nutrients found in animal protein concentrates, Edward L. Stevenson
Studies of three millets and three Sudan grasses as supplemental summer pasture, Odie B. Stover Jr.
Bin-Cured versus Field-Cured Alfalfa Hay for Dairy Heifers, Marshal C. Winton
Masters Theses from 1946
Some Social and Economic Phases of Reconstruction in East Tennessee, 1864-1869, James Bernard Campbell
Crop response to fertilization in Carter County, Tennessee, John Arthur Ewing
A Southern Journal of 1838: Its Historical, Social and Literary Backgrounds, Emmie Delle Mullen
Masters Theses from 1944
Studies on Lophurae Antigen for use in Compliment Fixation in Malaria, Grover W. Austin
A History of Stewart County Tennessee, Helen Gould Brandon
Masters Theses from 1943
Poultry and egg marketing in the Knoxville trade area, 1942-1943, Margaret May Guilford
The Personal Religion of Five Representative Eighteenth-Century Poets, Florence G. Marsh
A study of the evening school work in the Karns community from 1927 to 1942, William Ernest Robertson
History of Disciples of Christ in Upper East Tennessee, H. C. Wagner
Masters Theses from 1942
Effect of clipping treatments on four winter grain, Harry Dean Bunch
The Nashville livestock market, Maurice J. Danner
The response of certain crops to potassium on several soil types in Tennessee, Lofton Allen Davidson
The Problems of Supervision of Principals in Knox County Elementary Schools, Mack Parker Davis
The Effects of Mixing Variables on Settling Rates and Particle Size Distribution of Dicalcium Phosphate Made by the Hydrolysis of Monocalcium Phosphate, Marvin Noble Dokken
The response of certain crops to potassium on several soil types in Tennessee, Chester Evan Evans
The Substance in Yeast Which Stimulates Gastric Secretion, C. F. Hoffman Jr.
Grain marketing in the Knoxville area, Magnus Bogi Johnson
The Cumberland plateau, its agricultural situation and possibilities, Edmond Joseph Lebrun
The British mandate in Palestine, Irene McCall
The Geology of the Blockhouse Quadrangle, Blount County, Tennessee, James Edward Ricketts
A comparison of the feeding values of red clover hays of low and average phosphorus supplement, as the roughage in the ration for growing calves, Maywood Snyder
Rural leadership in Roane county, Tennessee, Lee Street Stith
Tennessee roughage experiments with dairy cattle, Norman Ray Thompson
Masters Theses from 1941
Gasoline Tax Sharing Among Local Units of Government in Tennessee, James McGill Buchanan
The Unaka Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, William W. Burchfiel Jr.
The effect of lime, phosphorus, and inoculation of growth and nitrogen fixation in crimson clover, Borden Searcy Chronister
A study of content for teaching agriculture to girls and home economics to boys, as determined by students' and teachers' opinions, Witt Samuel Cloys
The History of the Baptists of Tennessee, Lawrence Edwards
An Analysis of the Requirements for the Master's Degrees in the State Universities, Thelma Henry Iles
Some factors affecting farm earnings in Roane county, Tennessee, Lincoln Gosser Kerby
Soils of Knox county in relation to physiography and parent material, Li Lien Chieh
The Analysis of Cantilever Plates with Concentrated Loads, Constant Roberts Marks
Red Clover Hays of Varying Phosphorous Content for Growing Beef Calves, Ben Hall McFarlin
A Geographical Survey of Blount County, Tennessee, Fred H. Rittgers
The Knoxville livestock market, Waldo Swinton Rowan
Farmers' business cooperation in Knox County, Tennessee, Aaron K. Schmidt
Release of potassium from soils with different base exchange capacities, Lloyd Frank Seatz
A History of Legal Education in Tennessee, Clyde Conley Street
Masters Theses from 1940
The value and availability of the phosphorus in a high-phosphorus and low-phosphorus red clover hay to growing beef calves, George William Bible
Education in the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps in Tennessee, Clyde Edwin Burns
Occurrence and prevention of oxidized flavor in milk, George Christianson
Wholesale fruit and vegetable market, William S. Crawford
Teacher response to required teaching time in vocational agriculture, Hornsby Joseph Fowler
Cropping systems practiced on Tennessee farms, Ben A. Franklin
The Lenoir City Company, An Attempt In Community Development, Ashley Ted Hawn
Landlord-tenant relationships in Tennessee, Lewis Daniel Malphrus
The development of reading materials suitable for teaching adult illiterate Civilian conservation corps enrollees, William Dorlan May
Socio-economic readjustment of farm families displaced by the TVA Land Purchase in the Norris Area, Ralph L. Neilsen
A Way of Living Study of Thirty Families in Divernon, Illinois, Lucy A. Parkey
Relation of land quality to the agricultural economy of Knox County, John DeWitt Rush
Masters Theses from 1939
Relation of land class to land utilization in Overton county, Tennessee, Luther Beecher Bohanan
A Study of Personal Accounts of Fifty South Carolina High School Girls, Vera Burnette
A General Educational Survey of Alpine Institute and Community, James Benton Cantrell
Economics of livestock production in Tennessee with special reference to West Tennessee, Dale Powell Cleveland
Ballads and folk songs collected in northern Hamilton County., Ruby Duncan
A Study of Homemaking Activities and Related Interests of a Selected Group of Girls in the South Knoxville (Tennessee) Junior High School, Emily Topper Garnar
The Effect of Pittman Center on the Community Life, Russell Hall
Comparative Analysis of Stresses in a Building Frame, Walter Clyde Hutto
A Geographical Survey of Knoxville, Tennessee, Victor Albert Hyde
The Design and Application of an Electronic Phase Angle Meter, Will Otis Leffell
Farm credit in Williamson county, Tennessee with special reference to mortgage credit, Richard George Milk
Legume silage and artificially dried hay for dairy cattle, Frank Dyer Quillin
A Comparative Study of the Spiracle in Cyclostomata, Elasmobranchii and Pisces, Miser Russell Richmond
Behavior of cottonseed of various germination percentages under field conditions, Dwight Simpson
Homogenization of milk and the properties of homogenized milk, Wayne Irwin Tretsven
Masters Theses from 1938
Farm tenure, inheritance, and leases in Tennessee, Elmer Ellsworth Briner
Variation in the vegetative characters of Balbo rye, Jefferson Davis Carr
A Study of the Practices of a Selected Group of Fifty Employed Women in Knox County in the Buying and Care of Hosiery, Ruth DeFord
Religious Education in Prisons, John L. Gwin
A study of consumers' preferences and practices in buying and using eggs and meat in Knoxville, Tennessee, Samuel Leroy Hansard
The Social and Economic Effects Produced Upon Small Towns by Rapid Industrialization, John Fred Holly
A pasture program for Tennessee, Guy Robert Kirk
Acquisition, operation and sale of Tennessee farm land by credit corporations, Dana King Law
A Study of Methods, Scope and Results of Demonstrations of the Soil Conservation Service in Camp Tennessee S.C.S.-4 Work Area, Joe David McClure
Response of Putnam county soils to phosphate fertilizer, Haskell C. Phillips
An Investigation on the Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Low Grade Rock Phosphate, David Weldon Reed
A Comparison of Living Conditions of Selected Farm, Farm-Industrial and Industrial Families Near Kingsport and Bristol, Tennessee, Rolien Ashland Rhea
Farm management in relation to land use, soil conservation and soil type, Crockett county, Tennessee, Paul T. Sant
Some Phases of the Economic Policy of the Confederation Congress, 1781-1785, Horace Bernard Smith
Artificially cured roughages for dairy cattle, Lawrence D. Smith
Masters Theses from 1937
A study of vocational agriculture in the Westmoreland community (Sumner county, Tennessee) from July 1, 1931 to June 30, 1936, Nelson H. Baulch
Attitudes of non-Jewish college students toward the Jewish people, Ralph H. Blumenthal
A study of seven school communities of Hawkins County, Tennessee, James H. Davis
An Analysis of Certain Relationships Between Intelligence Quotients, English Placement Test Scores, and Scholastic Averages of Students Enrolled in Modern Foreign Languages, 1930-1936, University of Tennessee, Emma Ruth Ensor Tallent
Management of dairy cattle breeding establishments, Daniel Evans Harris
A Contribution to the Mollusca of East Tennessee, Mary E. Hickman
An Analytical Study of Five College Student Bodies, E. E. McCurry
Tennessee's Policy in the Removal of the Cherokee, Minnie Hazel Myers
Quality control of market silk, William Coley Patton
Efforts of the Continental Congress to Promote Manufactures and Domestic Arts in the Colonies, Floyd Neal Penick
Aquiculture, Hugh T. Ramsey
Education of select groups of rural people in Tennessee, Benjamin David Raskopf
Occupational Choices of Graduates of Science Hill High School, Johnson City, Tennessee, in Relation to High School Preparation and Additional Training, William Warren Simmons
Cotton varieties in Tennessee, 1928-1931, N. J. Stanford
Standard of living and migration of 136 farm families in Overton county, Tennessee, Dudley Clarence Sturgis