Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1937
Aquiculture, Hugh T. Ramsey
Education of select groups of rural people in Tennessee, Benjamin David Raskopf
Occupational Choices of Graduates of Science Hill High School, Johnson City, Tennessee, in Relation to High School Preparation and Additional Training, William Warren Simmons
Cotton varieties in Tennessee, 1928-1931, N. J. Stanford
Standard of living and migration of 136 farm families in Overton county, Tennessee, Dudley Clarence Sturgis
A history of Brushy Mountain Penitentiary, Ruth Winton
Masters Theses from 1936
The history of educational development in Sullivan County, Tennessee, Paul Fain Anderson
Cooperative marketing of livestock in Tennessee, John Philip Butterfield
Changes in Social and Economic Status of People in Sullivan County for a Thirty Year Period, Lewis I. Chase
The Study of the Child Training Practices of Thirty-five Families of Pitman Center, Sevier County, Tennessee, Anna Mae Coldwell
History, present status, and methods of marketing Tennessee forest products, Frank M. Fitzgerald
Short-Circuit Study of the Norris-Wheeler Transmission Line, H. H. Gnuse Jr.
College creameries, Thomas Barrett Harrison
The influence of soil type on certain economic and social factors in Tennessee, William Elbert Hendrix
The Clothing Expenditures of 542 Tennessee Families, Blanche Hinds
The Clothing Expenditures of 542 Tennessee Families, Blanche Ellen Hinds
Utilization of fruits by freezing, James Robert Kelley
A study of supervised farm practice programs in certain schools of Tennessee, James Bryant Kirkland
An Educational Study of Elementary Geometry, Nathan W. S. Lamb
An analysis of the 1934 cornhog contrast data in Tennessee, John Everett Mason
A Study of Living Conditions in the Pittman Center Community, 1934-35, Juanita Maupin
Agricultural and social aspects of the Swiss settlement in Grundy County, Tennessee, Selmer Reinhart Neskaug
An Analysis of Prices Paid to Producers of Farm Products in Tennessee, 1866 - 1935, Craig M. Smith
The Military History of East Tennessee, 1861-1865, Frank P. Smith
The inheritance of milk and butterfat production in dairy cattle, Paul Clayton Swanson
A Study of Family and Personal Relationships of 69 Girls in a Public Junior College in Mississippi, Fleta Estelle Whitaker
Masters Theses from 1935
Effects of industrial development on rural welfare, Jasper P. Burnett
Milk cooling, Harold Walter Henry
A Study of the Dietary Habits of Junior and Senior High School Girls in Four Rural Mississippi Communities, Carrie Norton Herring
Farm land values and land transfers in Tennessee, James Haynes Marshall
An Educational Survey of the Elementary Schools of Grundy County, Tennessee, Vera C. McCampbell
Development of Agriculture in Tennessee to 1870; economic and social aspects, Paul Eugene Strickler
Some aspects of the rural church situation in Tennessee, Charles A. Tosch
Creamery management, Ellis Otte Wurzbach
Masters Theses from 1934
The development of railroad transportation in East Tennessee during the reconstruction period., Riley Oakey Biggs
Identification of Carboxylic Acids as the Salts of Benzylamine, Cora Louise Carson
An Educational Survey of Daisy Community, Hamilton County, Tennessee, William Belger Griffin
A General Survey of Traffic Accidents in Knoxville, Tennessee, for a Period of Six Months, William Stewart Harkness
Parachors of Phenol-Amines in Solution, Edward Spreen
Masters Theses from 1933
Inventory of the facilities for communication, storage, and distribution in Tennessee, J. L. Anderson
Agricultural and land utilization in Tennessee with particular emphasis on factors affecting the economics of each, Walter P. Cotton
Factors determining the production areas of each farm commodity in Tennessee, Dalson Henry Esry
A comparson between the income from flocks of barred Plymouth Rocks and single comb White Leghorn hens, Thomas Luther Mayes
Farm Tax Incidence in Tennessee, Maynard Murray Reed
Moliere's Influence on Congreve, Mildred Atkins Stern
The negro in Tennessee during the Reconstruction period, Joseph E. Walker
Masters Theses from 1932
Molecular Organic Compounds of Ortho and Para Aminobenzoic Acids, Weldon E. Cate
Missionary Activities Among the Cherokee Indians, 1757-1838, William Ward Crouch
An inventory of certain social agencies and problems of Tennessee, Joseph Adams Elliott
The Confederate Government and the Unionists of East Tennessee, Beatrice L. Garrett
An inventory of some economic agencies and problems in Tennessee, Albert Sidney Jenkins
The Effect of Physiography on the Trade Routes of East Tennessee, George C. Martin
An inventory of the climate and mineral resources of Tennessee, 1932, Dewey LeRoy Outen
A Comparative Study of the Teachers of Sevier County, Tennessee, with the Teachers of Dickson, Hickman, Morgan and White Counties, Tennessee, Okla R. Sarten
Survey of Intestinal Parasites at the Knox County Industrial School, Mary Lance Vance
Masters Theses from 1931
The Flora of Homer, Mary Ruth Chiles
Chemical sterilization of milk utensils, Warner Arnett Dorsey
The Interpretation of Early American Treaties by the Supreme Court of the United States, Edmund Cody Gass
Molecular Organic Compounds of Picryl Chloride, Kenneth C. Hart
Some Phases of the History of the Woman's Movement in Tennessee, Elizabeth Stone Hoyt
Private Legislation Affecting Local Governments in Tennessee, Roger P. Matteson
A history of the Know-nothing party in Tennessee., Murry Bryant Measamer
A Comparison of Rabelais's Ideas on Intellectual, Religious, and Social Freedom with those of Montaigne, Calvin, and Marguerite de Navarre, Archalita Reba Millsaps
The Predictive Significance of Pre-college data with reference to College Success, D.O. Teague
A Study of the Cyperaceae of Tennessee, J. K. Underwood
Some problems in marketing Tennessee sweet potatoes with special emphasis on cooperative marketing, Grover Warmbrod
Masters Theses from 1930
Three years' work comparing normal corn silage with grainless silage for finishing beef cattle, Henry Rankin Duncan
An Economic Social and Educational Survey of Maury County Tennessee, Donnell Marion Galloway
Official butter fat tests of dairy cows, Samuel A. Hinton
A preliminary study of the cooperative marketing of Tennessee sweet potatoes, Broder F. Lucas
The effect of mineral oil treatment of milk on the vitamin A content of the butterfat, Elise E. Morrell
A farm management survey of Overton county, 1936, Andrew Cliffe Robison
Farm taxation and county government in Tennessee, A. C. Seymour
A preliminary study of the economics of the strawberry industry in Tennessee, William Curtis Stone
Masters Theses from 1929
Life history studies of the Melittia Satriniformis in Tennessee, Oscar Earl Couch
A study of rural cooperative organizations in Overton county, Tennessee, Gilbert Harris Hatfield
The Effect of Carbon Dioxide Tension Upon the Ability of Goldfish to Abosorb Oxygen at Low Tension, Thressa A. Hickman
An Ecological Study of the Distribution of Animals on Mt. LeConte and Along LeConte Creek, Gervase W. McClure
The Caves of East Tennessee, Berlen Moneymaker
Farm taxation and county government in Overton, Clay and Pickett counties, James Curtis Powell
Tennessee Writers: A Bibliographic Index, Frank Joe Ray
An analysis of the quality of Tennessee cotton crop of 1928 and its relation to price, Odum Stewart
The Life of William Carroll, Margaret Leonard Walker
Masters Theses from 1928
Studies in life history of Murgantia histronics in Tennessee, Paul Carson Avery
Vocational Education in the High School Curriculum, Robert Leeman Bryan
Bacteriophagy in intestinal infections, George Martin Cameron
Check List of the Trees and Shrubs of Eastern Tennessee, Willa Love Galyon
An Educational, Economic and Community Survey of Blount County, Tennessee, Paul G. Houts
The Psychology of Memory, James Ernest Jackson
The effect of industrial development on rural welfare in Tennessee, Robert McAlpin
The dairy industry in Tennessee, Paul Marvin Reaves
A study of some farmers' cooperative organization in Tennessee, Thomas Lawson Robinson
Organizing part time classes in vocational agriculture, with boys 14-21 years of age in the Ritta community, Knox County, Tennessee, Alfred L. Rubin
A History of Anderson County, Tennessee, Clifford Seeber
Masters Theses from 1927
An economical analysis of farming in Overton county, Tennessee, S. W. Atkins
United States and Arbitration, 1899-1914, Robert Hackney Cardwell
A study of secondary education of Hawkins county, William Martin Davis
An educational, economic, and community survey of Jackson county, Tennessee, Walter Bruce Overton
Entomological Technique as Referring to the Life History of Insects, Andrew Jefferson Wheeler