"Studies on milk lipase in bovine mammary tissue and separator slime" by James Aldred Robertson Jr.

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

B. J. Demott

Committee Members

W. W. Overcast, Raymond W. Beck


The use of extracts, pulps and homogenates has yielded much valuable information on the mechanism of enzymes; however, the chemical and physical properties can be measured properly only if the enzyme is in a pure state. Since the concentration of a single enzyme varies greatly in different tissue, selection for study of a tissue in which the enzyme is present in high concentration is logical. Separator slime and the lactating mammary gland are at present the most concentrated source of milk lipase which has been found. The determination of the pH optima of milk lipase or lipases and the development of a method of preparing, standardizing, and preserving lipase extracts which might be used in the manufacture of cheddar cheese from pasteurized milk seems desirable. This study is devoted to that effort.

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