"A study of the sales of milk through outdoor milk vending machines in " by John C. Carter

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

M. Lloyd Downen

Committee Members

Joe A. Martin, Thomas B. Harrison, E. J. Long


Increased per capita milk consumption is of major interest to health authorities and the dairy industry. A relatively low volume of milk is consumed daily by the people of Knoxville, the amount being around 0.7 of a pint a day (table I). Calcium is one of the two nutrients most lacking in the American diet.¹ Milk is the best source of this mineral, and it is practically impossible to obtain the daily requirement of calcium unless milk or dairy products are eaten. To receive the calcium equivalent of one quart of milk, a person must consume 1-1/2 pounds of kale, 39 eggs, or 23 oranges. Teenagers should drink one to 1-1/2 quarts of milk each day because of their need to store calcium, phosphorus and protein.²

Recognizing these conditions, the dairy industry has attempted to make milk more available to the American public. Availability of milk has been improved through the use of outdoor milk vending machines. This method provides fresh, cold milk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although a number of innovations are being made in the field of milk merchandising, this study deals solely with milk sold through outdoor vending machines in the Knoxville area. This means of service has not been Introduced to supplant the long established route delivery or store sales but to provide a convenient supply of milk to fill those needs not satisfiable through regular procurement.

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