Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1959
The horsebean (Vicia Faba L.) as a vegetable protein concentrate in chick diets, Nagib Elias Chalhoub
Quantitative Standards for the Implementation of Qualitative Standards in Student-Teaching Programs, Dan B. Cookie
The germination of corn and wheat as affected by various fertilizer salts at different soil temperatures, David G. Cummins
An economic evaluation of soil conservation systems in the Lick Creek watershed, Marvis Doyle Cunningham
A Comparative Study of the Experiential Characteristics of a Group of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Subjects, Hugh C. Davis Jr.
Relationships among performance traits of beef calves at 137 days and weaning, Joseph Leon Dixon
Oleandomycin, terramycin and a combination of Penicillin, streptomycin and sulfaquinoxaline for growing finishing swine, Bertie Albert D'Souza
Rural community development: a study of the relevant sociological theories, Ramaswamy Dwarakinath
A Study of Public School Finance in the Southern Appalachian Region, Archie Reece Dykes
Removal of strontium-89 and calcium-45 from milk by use of ion exchange resins, David Gene Easterly
An Investigation of the Effect of High Temperature on the Schumann-Runge Ultraviolet Absorption Continuum of Oxygen, John Stanton Evans
The Professional Status of Teachers in the Southern Appalachian Region, William Lyle Evernden
The effect of occupation on the formal participation in an open country community, Charles Thomas Faith
The use of a flail type forage harvester as a hay conditioner, Joshua Joseph Fenn
Cotton fiber testing by shippers in Memphis, Tennessee, Jack R. Fontana
Temperature and humidity conditions in three types of boiler houses, William Robert Fox
Characterization of a Pigmented Yeast and Its Slime, Stephen Joseph Gagan
Parental Influence on Walland High School Students, Leroy Gooden
Productivity of Huntington, Waynesboro, and Dickson soils for corn, Charles R. Graves
Geology of Newman Ridge and Brushy-Indian Ridge Between Sneedville, Hancock County, Tennessee, and Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia, Adrian Vance Greene
Geology of English Mountain and Vicinity, Cock, Jefferson and Sevier Counties, Tennessee, Robert Carl Greene
The influence of date of birth and calving season on preweaning growth rate, type score, condition score, and weanling index of beef calves, Wallace Aaron Griffey
A surface water treatment system for rural homes and farmsteads, Edward B. Hale
Milk Production and Its Relation to Feed Crops Grown on Certain Grade A Dairy Farms in Bradley County, William M. Hale
Relation of Certain Management Practices to Yields of Tobacco in Bradley County, William M. Hale
Lateral Development Following Special Pruning Practices on Peach Shoots, Tayis S. Hamid
The effects of soaking and storage on the radiosensitivity of barley seeds, Philip E. Hoskinson
The effect of hygromycin B as a growth stimulant and as an anthelmintic for swine, Arthur Jones Jr.
Influence of diet upon broiler quality and consumer acceptance of carcasses differing in skin pigmentation, Irvine Harvey Kidd
Crop yield and chemical composition as affected by zinc fertilization at different soil pH and phosphorus levels, James C. Kramer
Hay conditioning in Tennessee, Dan Houston Luttrell
The effects of various cooling methods on spermatozoan livability, Alfred F. McFee
Levels and sources of phosphorus for growing-finishing swine, Howard W. Miller
A study for improving dairy feeding practices in Greene County, Tennessee, Ralph B. Mitchell
Influence of sex, type of birth and rearing on daily gain of lambs, K. Govindan Nambiar
Performance of straightbred and crossbred swine, James Booker Nance Jr.
The Dramatic Element in Milton's Poetry, Barbara Jones Nipp
Type and breed as factors effecting taste and consumer preference of beef, Louis A. Odom
Friction characteristics of soil and "Teflon", Tetrafluoroethylene resins for use in agricultural machinery, Rudragouda Fakiragouda Patil
Cultural Problems With Grain Sorghum, Thomas Obed Shelby
Rate and time of lime and phosphorus application as factors influencing alfalfa growth of hartsells soil, Rabindar Nath Singh
Changes in milk proteins associated with the growth of psychrophilic bacteria, J. D. Skean
The relationship of vitamin K to cecal coccidiosis of chickens, James Fred Stephens
The effect of feeding L-thyroxine to dairy cows upon plasma-bound iodine and fecal thyroxine, John J. Sullivan
The attitude of adult farmers toward adult education in vocational agriculture in the Eagleville school area of Rutherford County, Tennessee, John David Todd
Vertical distribution of soil phosphorus and potassium on several established alfalfa stands that received various rates of annual fertilization, Kenneth L. Wells
Farm and home: interests in and sources important to farmers and homemakers in the Knoxville area, Elbert Woodrow Wilson
Masters Theses from 1958
Specific gravity of the longissimus dorsl muscle from the 9-10-11 rib section as an objective measure of beef carcass eating quality, William R. Backus
The Effect of the 'Tendency to Report Injuries' on Minor Accident Statistics, James A. Barker
Evaluation of various forages in vitro using a modified artificial rumen technique, Julius Barth
Mutual Coupling Between Loudspeakers, Robert Edward Bodenheimer
The Design and Analysis of a Vacuum Tube D. C. Voltage Regulator Having Specified Characteristics, Charles Lamar Brantley
The effect of nitrogen fertilization and cutting management on the yield and nitrogen content of two sudangrass varieties and two millet species, Kenneth Ray Broyles
A Study of Salmonella Pullorum and Pullorum Disease in the Chick Employing Infrared Spectroscopy, J. A. Cameron
Farm shop safety program for vocational agriculture departments in Tennessee, John Warren Carney
A Study of Top Executive Selection in Industry with Implications for the Selection of College Presidents, Ramon Leonard Carroll
Grade, weight and sex effects upon retail yield of beef cuts and certain carcass measurements, Alfred Ray Cavender
The effects of fertilizer placement on the yield and quality of snap beans, Paul Colditz
Study of some factors that limit the rate of picking strawberries, Frederick W. Cooler
Criteria for approving and maintaining a department of vocational agriculture in the state of Tennessee, Roy Tower Crabtree
An Evaluation of the farm record project of The Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Frank M. DeFriese
The effect of management variables on the establishment of some small-seeded legumes and grasses, Clyde D. Fisher
Hydrodynamical Theory of Spontaneous Fission with Applications to Mendelevium, William Douglas Foland
The Development of the Iron Industry in East Tennessee, Alan Hersh
Performance of beef cattle fed various roughages, Herbert Carl Hicks
The History of Transportation Advertising, 1850-1956, and A Study of Its Importance in Knoxville, Tennessee, James Fox Hind
Citizens' understandings of the Vocational Agriculture Department in the Church Hill High School, Troy W. Hinton
An Evaluative Study of Classroom Practices in the Teaching of Bookkeeping, Katholeen Hobbs
Economic analysis of investment and use of farm machinery on beef cattle farms in the dark-fired tobacco area of Tennessee, Harold Keith Jolley
An economic analysis of producing beef cattle in the dark-fired tobacco area of Tennessee, Charles R. Keisling
The Development of Education in Roane County, Tennessee, Robert Audubon Ladd
Why former Tennessee teachers of vocational education left the profession, Edwin Eugene Lamberth
A study of the working relationships of the agricultural extension service and the vocational agriculture program in East Tennessee, James R. Lemons
A comparison of nitrogen sources, rates and time of application on the yield of seed cotton, Haywood W. Luck
Heritability of some preweaning traits in Angus and Hereford cattle, Kaki Malliah
The effect of certain chemicals on the development of suckers in fire-cured tobacco, Joseph N. Matthews
Performance testing of rams, James A. McDermit
Forest Litter and Humus Types of East Tennessee, John Thurlow McGinnis
The influence of magnesium and oxalic acid upon the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus, K. N. Govindan Nagar
A Study of Time Use in Relation to Selected Homemaking Activities Carried on by Full-Time and Employed Rural Homemakers in Sevier County, Tennessee, Ocie Jones O'Brien
The effects of whole body irradiation on the semen from bulls [and] An electroejaculation technique for the collection of semen from bulls, Norman Ray Parish
An economic and financial analysis of 77 local farmers cooperatives affiliated with the Tennessee Farmers Cooperative, Bobby Hugh Pentecost
A study of opinions of negro families in Loudon County toward placing children in special classes for the mentally retarded, Alberta Upton Pinckney
A Study of the Recognition of Non-Financial Problems and Needs in Interviews with Applicants for ADC, Elizabeth Powers
The use of tetrafluoroethylene (teflon) in farm equipment for reducing friction, Sankara Narayana Reddy
The persistence and movement of certain pre-emergence herbicides in the soil, Don Roberts
Measurement of soil productivity on four selected soils in terms of corn yield, Porter L. Russ
The Vegetation and Floristics of Five Gorges of the Cumberland Plateau, Harry L. Sherman
Teaching in the University of Tennessee College of Agriculture, John David Smalling Sr.
The nature and use of livestock marketing information in Tennessee, Arnold Moore Stallings
The Effect of Varying Degrees of Anxiety Upon Classroom Learning Performance, Martha J. Thorne
Relationships of soils and management to establishment and yield of alfalfa in Putnam County, Tennessee, Joseph H. Vaden
Some effects of potassium gibberellate on sweet potato sprout production, Frank D. Williams
Problems of small watershed districts in Tennessee organized under Public Law 566, Joseph Elroy Winsett
Comparison of Piper Sudangrass and Starr pearlmillet fed to lactating dairy cows, Joseph William Wrather