Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

J. B. Sanders

Committee Members

S. J. Folmsbee, Saul K. Walp


(From the Foreword)

In the past much criticism has been directed against Tennessee for her backwardness in legal education standards; and perhaps, frequently with no little justification. It is believed that this work will indicate that legal education and standards have shown marked progress over the past few decades.

Little has been done on the history of Jurisprudence in Tennessee. The author has attempted to collect and organize certain data in the field of legal education that would show the evolution of standards of preparation for admission to the Bar. He has made general comparison of early Tennessee lawyers with those of the present as to educational qualifications; and he has called attention to the immense work that has been done in the codification of the State's laws. Facts concerning the founding and growth of our law schools have been compiled, as well as evidences of the tendency to continually raise standards of legal as well as pre-legal education.


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