"Cropping systems practiced on Tennessee farms" by Ben A. Franklin

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

W. P. Ranney, H. R. Duncan


The purpose of this study is to determine, as far as possible, the cropping systems that are actually practiced in three type-of-farming areas. Three counties, Crockett, Overton, and Roane, in West, Middle, and East Tennessee, repeatedly, are included In the study. Crockett County is used as a sample area for Type-of-Farming Area III, Overton for Type-of-Farming Area XI, and Roane for Type-of-Farming Area XIV.

The cropping systems used in this study represent the crops and the number of years they are grown on a field over a five-year period. No attempt made to record the actual sequence.

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