"Farm management in relation to land use, soil conservation and soil ty" by Paul T. Sant

Masters Theses


Paul T. Sant

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

J. E. Wills, C. E. Wylie


In some sections of the country agriculture has not been able to keep pace with industry and commerce in the advance of living conditions and cultural opportunities and in some sections agriculture has become extractive in character, rather than a permanently sustained industry. This is not conducive to the best permanent development of farm life, nor in harmony with the principles of farm management and agricultural policy.

The purpose of this study is to analyze farm organization and farm practices in West Tennessee, in relation to land use and determine their effect on the soil with a view to determining the different kinds and amounts of the several crops and classes livestock that may best be combined in order to secure the most continuous profitable operation of the farms. To do this it has been necessary to study needed soil conservation practices, proper land use, desirable fertility measures, approved crop rotations, profitable degree of diversity, and other farm practices in relation to the region and so far as possible to individual farms.

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