Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

N. E. Fitzgerald

Committee Members

J. Bryant Kirkland, C. E. Wylie


The purpose of this study is to learn what evening school work has been done through the vocational agriculture department of the Karns High School in order to determine what improvements could be made in future evening school programs.

In order to make a thorough study of the problem, the following six parts are to be considered (1) The communities within the Kams school area where evening classes have been taught, (2) The organization of evening schools and the basis for the selection of the courses, (3) The courses taught to the evening classes, (4) The procedures and teaching materials used when teaching the classes, (5) The people who have attended the school, and (6) The supervised farm practices conducted by members of evening classes.

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