"The Design and Application of an Electronic Phase Angle Meter" by Will Otis Leffell

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

J.G. Tarboux

Committee Members

Chas. E. Ferris, Edgar D. Eaves


Introduction [Abbreviated]:

The purpose of this paper is to consider some problems that are involved in the design and application of an electronic phase angle meter. A phase angle meter is a device that has long been used in power work. However, the meters used take considerable energy from the circuits, and will not respond to very rapid changes in the phase angle. Most of these meters work on the principle of the Tuma phase meter, and commonly indicate the angle between a current and a voltage. In power work, while the energy consumption is not so important, a meter is needed that will read transient angle phenomena, and this is the primary purpose of the type discussed in this paper.

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