"Farm tenure, inheritance, and leases in Tennessee" by Elmer Ellsworth Briner

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

O. W. Dyne, Theodore W. Hocker


Farm tenure in Tennessee is discussed from the standpoint of distribution and trend, by color and tenure of farm operators. The effect of inheritance of farm wealth on operators' tenure is associated with age, color, net worth of operator, and with time in relation to the business cycle. A method for determining the equitability of a farm lease, with examples of three general types of leases, is accompanied by a brief study of the provisions for farm improvements on tenant farms. The study of distribution and trends of tenancy is based upon United States Census reports, while the data on inheritance and leases were secured from a random sample of farms in selected counties. Inheritance of wealth increases farm ownership even though the amount of inheritance be small. The equitability of farm leases is less a problem than is the size and profitableness of the tenant's business.

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