Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
C. E. Allred
Committee Members
H. R. Duncan, Arthur Meyer
The central purpose of this study is to determine the agricultural situation and possibilities of the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee for agricultural and other uses, as a basis for guiding future development and settlement of the area on a sound and permanent plan. Because of prevailing agricultural conditions and the broad interest on the part of agricultural and other agencies, study of and planning for the Plateau area may be considered a major post war planning activity.
As a contribution to knowledge of the agricultural possibilities of the Plateau, this report derives its chief merit from the fact that it brings together, organizes, and present graphically, information from a variety of sources showing agricultural conditions and possibilities in various segments of the region, and indicates important trends that should be recognised in developing the area.
The information is presented graphically by a series of dot maps showing the concentration of each factor by civil districts. Data are also shown by means of tables and charts.
A general overall picture of the area is presented, which is then followed by a delineation of the region into divisions having similar agricultural factors.
Data are presented for 1930 and 1935 on a civil district basis, with an attempt to bring the data up to date by the use of ten representative Plateau counties for 1940. The ten countries used are: Campbell, Scott, Fentrees, Morgan, Cumberland, Van Buren, Bledsoe, Grundy, Sequatchie, and Marion. All have 60 percent or more of their total land area on the Plateau. These counties have been often used in publications in presenting information for the Cumberland Plateau area in Tennessee. By using the data for these counties on a per farm basis, or on a percent basis, the variation from the true situation is minimized.
Recommended Citation
Lebrun, Edmond Joseph, "The Cumberland plateau, its agricultural situation and possibilities. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1942.