"A study of content for teaching agriculture to girls and home economic" by Witt Samuel Cloys

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

N. E. Fitzgerald

Committee Members

R. P. Moore, A. J. Paulus


The purpose of this study is to present data, based on felt needs of rural boys and girls, which may be of assistance to teachers of vocational agriculture and home economics in developing a cooperative or joint teaching program for the rural boys and girls in the high schools of Tennessee.

With a trend toward closer relationship programs between home economics and agricultural departments, an attempt will be made to show the progress in the development of the different types of teaching programs. In order to determine this development, the work of other investigators will be shown.

Through this study, general information will be presented regarding the exchange of classes between the agriculture and home economics in the State of Tennessee. Some of the facts which the writer hopes to present are:

1. Number of years the teachers of agriculture and home economics have participated in the exchange of classes.

2. The subject matter which has been taught the boys by the home economics teacher in the exchange of classes.

3. The subject matter which has been taught the girls by the agriculture teacher in the exchange of classes.

4. Opinions of agriculture teachers, home agriculture teachers, and of 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade boys as to what subject matter should be taught boys in the exchange of classes.

5. Opinions of agriculture teachers, home economics teachers, 9th, 10th, 11th, aad 12th grade girls as to what subject matter should be taught the girls in the exchange of classes.

6. Opinions of both boys and girls in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades as to their felt needs regarding subject matter which should be taught them in the exchange of classes in order to determine if desirable course content might be assigned grade placement based on pupils’ felt needs.

7. Comparison of town and country girls' opinions as to the subject matter which should be taught them in the exchange of classes in an effort to determine if course content should be the same for each group.

8. Comparison of teacher pupil opinions to determine whether or not the subject matter, if chosen by the pupils, would differ materially from that selected by the teachers.

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