Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

Eric Winters


The purpose of this study Is to present data on the general agricultural economy of Knox County, Tennessee, more particularly the relationship of men to the land. An attempt has been made to evaluate the factor of the land base quality as a measure in analyzing the economy of the county.

From a generalized land classification scheme, data were organized to discover the relation between quality of the lend base and its economic use. The study seeks to determine the practicability of an analysis of the agricultural economy by use of a generalized method of farm land appraisement strictly on the basis of the physical quality of the land.

In addition, the efforts of the Federal Government in attacking the economic problems of Knox County have been reviewed in an endeavor to show not only the method of approach of the government, but to indicate in a limited manner some of the spheres of activity and their probable influence on the present economy.

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