"A study of consumers' preferences and practices in buying and using eg" by Samuel Leroy Hansard

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

H. R. Duncan

Committee Members

C. E. Wylie, O. W. Dyne


It should be made clear at the outset that this study is not directed toward the determination of the relation of variation in quantity demand to price change. On the contrary, the aim of this study was to obtain information which might help to ascertain whether the consumers of Knoxville have a preference regarding the eggs and meat they buy, and to determine the variation in this preference relative to the different standards of living represented in the city. This was done with the hope of making more clear some of the purchasing habits of housewives, and with the hope of bringing consumer and producer to “common grounds” that market wastes and costs may be reduced; that there might be a correction of mistaken ideas and beliefs about these products, and that the local producer may know what his market prefers in regard to these two major farm products.

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