"A Contribution to the Mollusca of East Tennessee" by Mary E. Hickman

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Edwin B. Powers

Committee Members

Barton C. V. Ressler


Summary: 1. Collections of mollusks were made in the northern part of Eastern Tennessee, particularly in the Clinch River in the vicinity of Norris Dam, from June 1935 to July 1937.

2. Twenty-three genera and forty species of pelecypods were collected and classified.

The pelecypods were abundant in the Clinch River in the vicinity of Norris Dam. Both nodulate and smooth shells were found in this region.

3. Twenty-two genera and fifty species of gastropods were collected and classified.

In the Clinch River near Norris Dam the longitudinal arrangement of Io was not in conformity with the findings of Adams. In some instances two or more forms were found occupying the same shoal or were found in a very short segment of the river. Most of the shells collected were apparently adults. These ranged from almost smooth to extremely spinose forms. A number of smooth, dead shells were found in this region.

4. The total list is composed of forty-five genera and ninety-eight species of pelecypods and gastropods.

5. The figures are original photographs of specimens collected.

6. The specimens from which photographs were taken are being preserved in the collection of the Department of Zoology of the University of Tennessee.


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