"Soils of Knox county in relation to physiography and parent material" by Li Lien Chieh

Masters Theses


Li Lien Chieh

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Eric Winters

Committee Members

R. P. Moore


Parent material is defined as the unconsolidated residue of rock weathering from which soils develop. It may be shallow or deep, coarse or fine, acid or alkaline; it may be exceedingly resistant to change or it may be subject to rapid alteration. Because such variations have a great influence on the course of soil development, and the properties of the resultant soils, an understanding of the parent material is a basic step in soil study.

The purpose of this study, then, is to describe the physiography and parent material of Knox County, and correlate these factors of the environment with the properties of the associated soils.

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