"A Geographical Survey of Knoxville, Tennessee" by Victor Albert Hyde

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

H. C. Amick

Committee Members

George M Hall, Caspar Rappenecker


The growth and development of Knoxville has been largely the result of geographic factors. The site and situation factors greatly affected the early development of the general area, and of late such items have been of even greater importance.

The population growth of the city has actually been a steady one, as evidenced by the normal curve presented when county population figures are considered. Great periodic jumps are not actualities as often advertised, and it is time that such misleading statements are stopped. With such discrepancies, unreal values are placed on land which leads to skepticism on the part of manufacturers to locate in the community, and statements issued as inducements act as deterrents.

The Tennessee River has played a dominant role in Knoxville's development, and although it has declined in importance it still has a definite effect on the city. The location of the city in the Great Valley of East Tennessee made Knoxville a center for trade in this general area, which to date it has never relinquished. Not only did the Valley provide communications routes, but it also provided a source of agricultural products, mineral products, and lumber upon which a stable economy was established.

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