Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Cecil E. Fuller

Committee Members

B. D. Raskopf, Irving Dubov


This study is concerned with the present and the probable future effects of cotton fiber testing on the buying, assembling, and selling of cotton by shippers in the Memphis market. The problem may be sub-divided into the following seven objectives:

1. To determine the extent and use of cotton fiber tests in the Memphis market.

2. To determine the reasons for using cotton fiber tests.

3. To determine what operating practices are used in testingCotton.

4. To determine how fiber tests are used in buying and selling cotton.

5. To determine the cost of fiber testing.

6. To determine the shippers' appraisal of cotton fiber tests in marketing cotton.

7. To compare the use of fiber tests in the Memphis market with their use in other areas of the country.

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