"Relation of Certain Management Practices to Yields of Tobacco in Bradl" by William M. Hale

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

Lawrence N. Skold

Committee Members

Vernon E. Ross, Harold J. Smith, Frank F. Bell, Lewis H. Dickson


[From the Introduction]

This problem is a collateral study to one which has been completed on "The Relation of Soil Type and Certain Chemical Soil Tests to Yields of Tobacco in Bradley County" (2). Results of this study indicated a very strong positive correlation beween soil type and yield of tobacco. Nevertheless, the fact that so many low yields were produced on excellent and good soils pointed to a need for further study in an effort to account for some of these low yields on good soils. A study was thus made based on the following objective: to determine the relation of certain management practices to yields of tobacco in Bradley County.


Problem in Lieu of Thesis. Major is listed as General Agriculture.

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