"The Development of the Iron Industry in East Tennessee" by Alan Hersh

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Harold C. Amick

Committee Members

Lillian Stimson, Harry Klepser, Robert Long


Introduction: Production of iron in East Tennessee began almost with the advent of the first settlers. From its early, almost primitive, beginnings, iron production developed into a large-scale, modern industry and then declined to the point of being almost non-existent.

The history of the iron industry can be divided into three phases; the early period of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; the period of large-scale development of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century; and the period of decline of the twentieth century. Each period was distinctly different from the others. This study is concerned with the methods of production, sources of raw materials, markets, transportation facilities, areas of development, and the various other characteristics and problems of each period in an attempt to discover those factors which led to the rise and ultimate decline of the iron industry in East Tennessee.

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