"Farm and home: interests in and sources important to farmers and homem" by Elbert Woodrow Wilson

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Charles L. Cleland

Committee Members

L. C. Copeland, M. L. Townsend


The "universe” being the farm operators, owners, and homemakers in the Knoxville Area, the objectives of this study are as follow:

1. To ascertain the subjects of Interest and the order of their importance to farmers and homemakers.

2. To Identify the broad sources of information utilized by farmers and homemakers and the importance attached to such sources.

3. To describe characteristics of farmers and homemakers within the survey area.

4. To determine the different degrees of interest in specified topics according to the size of farm operated, tenure status, and whether the operation is full time or part time.

5. To relate the importance of specified sources of information in connection with specified enterprises.

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