"Lateral Development Following Special Pruning Practices on Peach Shoot" by Tayis S. Hamid

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

Bill S. Pickett

Committee Members

Joe S. Alexander, Homer D. Swingle, O. E. Goff


[From the Introduction]

Because of its fruiting habit the peach creates a problem for growers. The problem is how to develop fruit wood nearer the trunk each year, so that propping, picking, spraying and fruit thinning will require about the same, rather than more labor each year.

The ever rising costs of production without the corresponding increases in retums have forced fruit growers to adopt time and labor saving devices in the production of their crop.

As a result of the above problem, this experiment was conducted to study and investigate the influence of some special pruning practices on one year peach shoots and their effect on the location and number of lateral branch development.


Problem in Lieu of Thesis. Major listed as Horticulture.

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