"Evaluation of various forages in vitro using a modified artificial rum" by Julius Barth

Masters Theses


Julius Barth

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

O. G. Hall

Committee Members

C. S. Hobbs, R. L. Murphree


The specific objectives in this investigation were as follows:

1. To study variations in in vitro digestibility due to species and variety within species.

2. To determine the effect of nitrogen fertilization of these forages upon their utilization by rumen microorganisms.

3. To determine the effect of stage of maturity of these forages upon their utilization by rumen microorganisms.

4. To determine the effect of variations in the quantity and quality of the ash of these forages on the digestion of cellulose by rumen microorganisms.

Early in the experiment it appeared that the prussic acid content of grasses might possibly have a toxic effect upon rumen microorganisms. Therefore, some investigative work was conducted to determine the effect of prussic acid upon cellulose digestion in vitro.

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