"A Study of Time Use in Relation to Selected Homemaking Activities Carr" by Ocie Jones O'Brien

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Lorna J. Gassett

Committee Members

Mary Purchase, Claire Gilbert


The purpose of this study is to compare the time used in certain homemaking activities and community participation by full-time and employed rural homemakers to determine:

1. If there are differences in the use of time for these activities by the two groups.

2. The relationship between time spent in these activities and such factors as: a. Family composition b. Ownership of household equipment c. Condition of the house d. Attitude of homemakers toward these activities

3· If employed homemakers use certain work simplification methods to a greater extent than do full-time homemakers.

4. If there is any significant difference in accomplishment measured in terms of work units completed.

5. If there is a difference in the participation in church and community activities between the two groups.

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