"Quantitative Standards for the Implementation of Qualitative Standards" by Dan B. Cookie

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Dr. Edward S. Christenbury

Committee Members

Dr. Orin B. Graff, Dr. A.M. Johnston, Dr. Alberta L. Lowe, & Dr. Earl M. Ramer


This study was selected because there was evi­dence that some defensible quantitative standards were needed to implement the desirable practices which would be consistent with the philosophies set forth in the standards of both the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the National Council for Accreditation or Teacher Education. Recognizing that the value or the student teaching experience depends to a large extent on the quality and the quantity of the types of experiences provided during student teaching, and the supervision or the program, the writer has identified two major purposes of the study as follows:

1. To develop a set ot quantitative criteria for student teaching programs in teacher education institutions which would satisfy a jury of competent teacher educators and which would serve to elicit high quality student teaching practices in these institutions.

2. To describe existing practices relating to student teaching in these institutions, using the quantitative data provided by the institutions.

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