"Geology of Newman Ridge and Brushy-Indian Ridge Between Sneedville, Ha" by Adrian Vance Greene

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Harry J. Klepser

Committee Members

George D. Swingle, R. E. McLaughlin, Paris B. Stockdale


The area described in this thesis comprises portions of northeastern Hancock County, Tennessee, and southeastern Lee County, Virginia (Figure 1). It includes parts of the Sneedville and Kyles Ford quadrangles (Tennessee Valley Authority and United States Geological Survey topographic maps 170-SW and 170-SE respectively).

The mapped area, bounded on the southeast by the Hunter Valley fault and on the northwest by Blackwater Valley, is approximately fifty miles west of Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia, and fifty-five miles northeast of Knoxville, Tennessee. It is about eleven miles long and three miles wide and encloses approximately thirty-three square miles.

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