Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1968
Population changes of citratefermenting bacteria in cheddar cheese, Hyun Joong Kim
The Influence of the Home Builders on Residential Lighting in the Greater Knoxville Area in 1967, Peggy Poling Kimsey
Thermoregulation in a Cold Environment: Effects of Body Weight, Roger A. Kleinman
An analysis of November soybean futures prices, John L. Kyle
Forage production of orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) under several cutting management and nitrogen fertilization regimes, Kenneth Laaker
Highway Location as a Factor in Regional Development in Areas Adjacent to National Parks: A Case Study of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Region, Carl Rowan Leathers
The effect of photoperiod and plant growth regulators on flower bud inhibition in Coleus blumei, Kuang Lin
Some firming agents on the texture of freeze-dried banana, Rong Cheng Lin
Production and management practices of selected beef cattle producers in Macon County, Tennessee, George Fletcher Luck
Pectin degradation and the firmness of the canned sweet potatoes, Inocencio Martinez
The effects of several climatic factors and several nitrogen and moisture levels on the yield and evapotranspiration of corn, David E. McKinney
Dietary Supplementation of Tarhana with Soya Bean Flour and Fish Protein Concentrate, Tahire O.K. Merdol
Seasonal abundance and distribution of the wood duck (Aix sponsa) on the upper Holston River in East Tennessee., William George Minser III
A study of the causes of the lag in the rate of increase in net income per farm in Tennessee compared with other Southeastern states, Horace Allen Mitchell
The structure of the Malayan smallholder farms with emphasis on the relationships between farm size, yields, labor supply, and incomes, Nik Hassani bin Mohamed
An experimental investigation of conditions affecting the agitation and removal of manure solids from a liquid manure holding tank, C. Roland Mote
Observations and Experiences With the Nutrition Services, Jefferson County Department of Health, Birmingham, Alabama, Joanne Riggins Mounger
The effect of thyroidectomy on serum calcium and phosphorous levels in the pig, Jerry Donald Overton
The Methodological Basis of Dewey's Philosophy of Education, Richard LeRoy Parker
The abrasive effect of wettable powder herbicides on sprayer nozzle orifice tips, R. K. Patel
Management practices of selected cotton producers in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, Charles T. Peal
A Comparative Investigation of Environment Perceptions of Clustered and Non-Clustered Freshmen Students, Elizabeth A. Pearson
Digestibility and nitrogen utilization of three beef cattle rations containing corn silage ensiled with limestone and varying levels of urea, Robert Duane Plymale
The digestibility of corn silage harvested at four stages of maturity as determined by in vivo and in vitro methods, Edward Christian Prigge
Factors Involved in the Maintenance of the Grassy Balds of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Stephen Walker Radford
Ultrasonic estimates of muscle and fat thickness in live cattle as predictors of carcass yield, A. Estes Reynolds
Field Observations and Experiences in the Division of Nutrition, St. Louis County Health Department, Ann Jensen Rhode
A Study of Interpersonal Relationships among Job Corpsmen--Tremont Conservation Center, Townsend, Tennessee, James Clair Richardson
Field Experiences with the Division of Nutrition in the Florida State Board of Health, Martha Hansard Roach
Natural Variation in Abies of the Southern Appalachians, John F. Robinson
Economic analysis of commercial farming in the Elk River Watershed, Hugh Lamar Spangler
Post-mortem processing treatments on selected characteristics of whole hog pork sausage, James B. Stansbury
A Study of the Recreational Interests, Needs, and Activities of Maryville College Students, Gerald Winters Stewart
The fishes of the Conasauga River in Tennessee, Robert Allen Stiles
Factors affecting calving interval in a beef cattle herd in Tennessee, Robert Marshall Stone
Relationships of soil, site, and time on the changes in forest composition on Big Ridge Natural Study Area, Union County, Tennessee, Daniel D. Summers
The occupational needs of Hawkins County, Tennessee, Jefferson E. Taylor
The Public Career of Joseph Alexander Mabry, Jerome Gregg Taylor
The Effect of Avitaminosis E on the Incorporation of 35S-Sulfate by Rat Tissue Sulfolipids, Brenda Pearl Todd
The role of soils and crops in water yield, Ross Gene Via
The Effect of Tonal Proximity upon the Memory of a Set of Tones, William M. Walters Jr.
An evaluation of some components of wood duck habitat at John Sevier Lake, Hawkins County, Tennessee, David Estes Watts
An economic analysis of four milking systems with emphasis on the labor factor, Beverly Lyle Williams
The effects of ultraviolet light on country hams during aging, Sam K. Winfree
The Ecology of Pieris floribunda Benth. and Hook., an Ericad, in a Pine-Heath Community in the Great Smoky Mountains, Caroline Triplett Wingfield
The Ecology of Pieris floribunda Benth. and Hook., an Ericad, in a Pine-Heath Community in the Great Smoky Mountains, Caroline Triplett Wingfield
Evaluation of fresh-water whole fish meal as a protein supplement for growing-finishing swine, George Edwin Wofford
The effect of applied micronutrients on yield and plant uptake of soybeans, Ronald Wolfe
Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal flat plates cooled on both upper and lower surfaces, L. E. Wright
Growth and bract pigmentation in poinsettia as influenced by fast neutron irradiation, Robert D. Wright
Masters Theses from 1967
Lethality of various F0 values on spores of putrefactive anaerobe 3679 and thermophils in chocolate milk drink, Sidney Carl Aaron
Costs of producing and marketing snap beans in two upper East Tennessee counties, Kamal Mustafa Al-Habib
An intrastate analysis of seasonality in corn prices in Tennessee, 1954-1964, Joseph Thomas Althouse Jr.
The effect of several variables on the texture of freeze-dried formulated strawberry slices, James Franklin Amos
Evaluation of fish meals and their effect on fatty acid deposition in broilers fat, Walid Abdul Rauf Barakat
The effect of preparation and thermal processing on residues of DDT, heptachlor, and their metabolites in turnip greens and roots (brassica rapa), James T. Barron
Factors affecting annual classification ratings of Jersey cattle and the relationships of these ratings to performance, Johnny Uyless Basinger
An investigation of the characteristics of an agricultural auger as a means of metering shelled corn, Lemuel Gordon Beaver
Cutting and environmental effects on growth and regrowth of a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, cultivar sudax sx-11, James Edward Beuerlein
The Effect of Magnetic and Configurational Ordering on the Specific Heat of a Nickel-50 Atomic Per Cent Palladium Alloy, Ronald Eugene Bingham
A Study of the Food Buying and Food Consumption Practices of 140 East Tennessee Families Using Food Stamps, Spring 1966, Virginia Rhea Blansett
A Comparison of the Foreign Policies of the United States and Canada, Robert Bruce Braid
Some significant woodland management practices of two selected small-woodland owner groups in Wayne County, Tennessee, Frank Lester Brown
Disapperance of atrazine, DCPA, diphenamid, diuron, linuron, norea, prometryne and trifluralin from the soil, Thomas A. Bryant
Effects of various factors on intake and efficiency of utilization of energy for milk production, William Francis Byrne
Role of the States in Flood Plain Management, Charles Craddock Carrington
An Experimental Study of the Turbulent Mixing of Subsonic Axisymmetric Gas Streams, Donald Edward Chriss
Fertilizer rate and depth of placement experiment on cotton, John Thomas Connell
The Relationship Among Nasality Ratings of Single Words, Phrases, and Running Speech Samples Obtained from Cleft Palate Children, Hal Jefferson Daniel
Some sources of variation in sampling plants of 16B7 strain of cotton for proportion of impermeable seed, L. E. Davis
The development of a central food service for the University of Tennessee, Raymond E. Dender
Observations and Experiences Within the Nutrition Services Division, Department of Public Health, Government of the District of Columbia, Barbara Irene Devery
Alterations of Sulfur Metabolism in Malathion-Treated Rats, Gail W. Disney
Migration Patterns of Young Adults Reared in Jackson County, Tennessee, Charles Martin Farmer
Conductive Sphere on a Charged Conductive Plane, Birney Robert Fish
High Energy Electron Beam Excitation of a Gas, Don T. Froedge
Effect of Oven and End-Point Temperatures on the Sensory Properties of Beef Rib Roast, Nancy Elizabeth Fugate
An analysis of Production Credit Association borrowers in Middle Tennessee, Clark David Garland
The accuracy of pregnancy determination by rectal palpation at various post-breeding intervals, David Herbert Gordon
An evaluation of A handbook of agricultural credit for vocational agriculture in Tennessee, Raymond Andrew Holt
Some selected clothing construction practices of two selected home demonstration club member groups in Knox County, Tennessee, Janice Joreka Hurst
A study of the control root and stem rot of snap beans, Van B. Jackson
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Florida, Lydia Agnes Janca
An economic evaluation of cotton stripping harvesting in Tennessee, Robert Mack Jones
Growing corn, cotton, and soybeans in soil heavily infested with Johnsongrass, Kenneth W. Kemp
Land Reform in China (1911-1953), Chen-hung Keong
Cation effects on the stability of chemically dispersed sails in pond sealing, Karigiriah Lakshminarayan
Agricultural information and FM radio: acceptability of the combination in Tennessee, Ralph E. LaPenna
The comparison of commercially bred egg laying stocks with one advanced generation of the respective stocks, Robert James Mackin
Lithostratigraphy and petrography of the Upper Cambrian Maynardville Formation within the Copper Creek fault belt of East Tennessee., Robert Lamar McConnell
Evaluation of factors affecting litter and pig performance traits, James Blackburn McLaren
A Comparative Study of the Degree of Social Functioning of Children in the Church of God Home for Children, Sevierville, Tennessee, J. Delbert Mitchell and Edna Earle Pressley
A study of the effects of size-controlling rootstocks on spurring, blooming and fruiting habits of two apple varieties, Charles A. Mullins
The effect of light and moisture on cotton fruiting habits and yield, Grady Eugene Neely