"Problem A: Characteristics of Lawrence County beef producers and their" by James Thomas Matthews

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Robert S. Dotson

Committee Members

Haley M. Jamison, C. E. Carter Jr, Luther H. Keller


This survey-type study was one of three related problems regarding beef production in Lawrence County, Tennessee. It was conducted for the purpose of determining the characteristics of beef producers in the county. The beef producers were interviewed and then classified in high, medium and low production groups according to the pounds of beef sold in 1966 per cow bred. Main comparisons were between high and low categories. Major findings disclosed that, on the average, the cattlemen interviewed in Lawrence County in 1967 had the following characteristics: (1) were considered friendly toward the survey; (2) had completed 9 years of school; (3) were 55 years of age; (4) reported a gross family income of $8,689; (5) were farm owners with an average farm size of 179 acres, of which 116 acres were cropland; ( 6) kept 18 beef cows, and (7) kept one beef bull.

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