"Costs of producing and marketing snap beans in two upper East Tennesse" by Kamal Mustafa Al-Habib

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Larry M. Boone

Committee Members

Thomas J. Whatley, William E. Goble


The purpose of the study was to provide information for present and potential snap bean producers concerning the inputs of labor, material, cost of production and marketing, returns, and practices of producers in Carter and Johnson Counties, Tennessee. The specific objectives were: 1. To determine the labor and material requirements per acre for producing snap beans in small, medium, and large acreage groups. 2. To find the variable, fixed, and total costs and returns per farm and per acre for producing and marketing snap beans in the small, medium, and large acreage groups. 3. To determine whether the costs of material inputs and costs of production and marketing were significantly different between small, medium, and large acreage groups of snap bean producers. 4. To present information on the organization of the pertinent marketing area and to describe the marketing practices of snap bean growers. 5. To analyze fluctuations in snap bean prices by days, weeks, and months, for the 1964 and 1966 marketing seasons.

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