Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Arthur A. Mason


Since 1951 when Schopper and Schumacher (1) 1 first described a system for measuring gas densities with an electron beam, there has been continual interest in the application of this technique to aerodynamic studies. Despite its potential and rising popularity, there are many experimental problems and unanswered questions concerning the interaction of the beam with the gas and the radiation resulting from this interaction. The purpose of this investigation was to understand better the interaction of a particular electron beam-flowing gas system. The first problem encountered in the study was developing the equipment necessary to conduct the experiment. The parameters involved have been ill defined or not defined at all, and a "cut and try" method was necessary. After several disappointing attempts, a system was developed which serves all the purposes intended and can be used for future investigations.

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