Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1966
A comparison of systems of developing beef bulls to about twenty months of age, Thomas C. Snodgrass
Evaluation of factors affecting the performance of spring lambs, G. Srinivasan
Morphological response of chrysanthemum morifolium varieties to a growth retardant as modified by light, James G. Staley
Submerged culture production of 5'-phosphodiesterase by streptomyces albus, Garland S. Teague Jr.
The effect of breed on muscle fiber diameter and its relationship to palatability, Edwin W. Tendick
Comparison of three methods of evaluating carcasses of bulls, steers, and heifers, Glenn Rogers Thackston Jr.
Effects of freezing on HCN potential of sorghum plants, David Wattenbarger
Masters Theses from 1965
A Study of Factors Affecting Discontinuance among Patients Attending the Chattanooga Psychiatric Clinic, Nancy Louella Alverson
The influence of breed and year on weights and grade of feeder calves produced in Warren County from 1959-1963, Condy L. Ayers
A Study of School-age Children for Whom Service Was Terminated with the Chattanooga Psychiatric Clinic between July 1, 1961, and June 30, 1963, John Paul Baggett
Factors affecting baby pig mortality, John Larry Black
Time series analysis of prices received by Tennessee farmers, 1910-64, Johnny Dale Braden
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Louisiana, Marion Elizabeth Brannon
A field and grenhouse study of the effects of two levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on the growth and development of cantaloupes, James F. Brown
Costs of processing snap beans for freezing in Tennessee, George W. Bullion
Performance and carcass characteristics of boars, barrows, and gilts with ultrasonic estimates of muscle development and fat deposition, Charles R. Burgess
Supply, disposition, and marketing channels for Tennessee milk and milk products, Paul Thurman Cantrell
The relation of level of living to selected attitudinal characteristics of central Appalachia rural families, Kwang Yue Chang
The influence of days carried calf and dry period on milk and fat production in Tennessee DHIA herds, Clyde K. Chappell
Milk consumption rates and student attitudes, selected schools, Hamilton County, Tennessee, 1964, Robert A. Childress
Effects of management and nutrition on semen quality of beef bulls, Pin-Kwen Chung
A. O. P. Nicholson of Tennessee: Editor, Statesman, and Jurist, Patricia P. Clark
The Effect of Variation in Oven Temperature and Internal Temperature on Cooking Losses, Tenderness and Visual Acceptability of Pork Roasts, Elaine Crowder
Comparison of the performance of straightbred and crossbred pigs, Millard Daniel
Supplementation of chick diets containing high levels of hydrolyzed feather meal, Emily Ann Davis
The Effect of the Dispensible Amino Acids of Zein on the Utilization of L-Tryptophan for Pyridine Nucleotide Synthesis, Betty Ann Ellis
Costs of hand and machine harvesting snap beans in Tennessee, William Curtiss Erwin
Analysis of The White Emitter-Follower Amplifier, William Parker Finch
The effect of potassium fertility levels on the uptake and utilization of potassium, calcium, and magnesium by corn inbreds and hybrids, Charles E. Freeman
Selected organizational and operational aspects of the Milan Fruit Grower's Association, Tennessee, James Edmond Gee
An agricultural credit education program for students of vocational agriculture in Tennessee, Harold Cara Gregory
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Colorado, Margaret Susan Hambright
The effects of ammonia on frozen beef and pork musculature, Ernest Earl Herrmann
The effect of three controlled levels of fat thickness upon production and carcass characteristics in beef steers of similar age, William C. Huff
Milk and competitive beverage sales and costs in selected Tennessee restaurants, David Raymond Humberd
The effects of soil properties and applied water on the leaching of atrazine, simazine, diuron and DCPA in soil columns, Melvin J. Ivey
Congressional Career of Cordell Hull, Joseph Leland Johnson
The Effect of Ammonia on Frozen Foods, Abdel-Hamid A. Kassem
Man and the Law in the Dramas and Novellen of Heinrich von Kleist, Milton A. Kaufman
Performance testing of rams, Venkatesh K. Kulkarni
Effects of fractional doses of total body irradiation on semen of boars, Barry T. Ladd
A Report of Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of North Carolina, Roseann Catherine Loskill
Temperature preference of chicks, Thomas Emmett Maddox
Evaluation of a Programed Instruction Device for the Utilization of Scientific Principles in the Teaching of Food Science, Patricia Ervin Marovich
Corn production practices in Cheatham County : a special problem in lieu of thesis /, James G. McCall
Soybean yield response to molybdenum, Thomas Clyde McCutchen
Factors affecting beef bull performance of two-years-of-age, Robert Cornwell McDaniel
A study of the Lenoir Limestone in the Knoxville-Friendsville belt, Knox and Blount counties, Tennessee., William Ralph Moehl
Consumer evaluation of strawberry preserves, Edward Neal Moore
The Metabolizable Energy of College Women on Low Protein Diets, Myra Lee Morrow
The agricultural manpower needs of Claiborne County, Tennessee, Roy Kyle Norris
The effects of diphenamid, trifluralin and EPTC on the control of weeds and the yield and quality of burley and fire-cured tobacco, Hubert F. Ottinger
A histochemical study of the green bean pod, John Marion Pearson
A comparison of bovine semen frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor and dry ice-alcohol, Amai Vishwanatha Rai
Performance of self-fed and limited-fed pigs on pasture and in confinement, Yelloji Gnanoji Rao
Agriculture education majors who graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Agriculture from the summer quarter, 1955, through the summer quarter, 1964, Billy Loyd Rhody
Relationship of pH, phosphorus and potassium of soil layers among fifty soil series in Tennessee, Oliver W. Rice
Effects of season of birth, breed and age of dam on litter and pig performance traits, Charles Wallace Robertson
Growth and quality of broilers from peanut oil-peanut meal diets, Bharat Manu Shah
Leaching of trifluralin, linuron, prometryne, and cotoran in soil columns, Shahiedy Ibrahim Shahied
Tenderness of Beef Round Roasted at Two Oven Temperatures in Relation to Cooking Losses, Cooking Time, Power Consumption, and Other Sensory Properties, Robin Dalrymple Simmers
Effects of depth and gradient on soil moisture storage in a small agricultural watershed, Lalit Kumar Sinha
Community development concepts held by Tennessee county extension workers, Wayne J. Sininger
An analysis of selected livestock practices and enterprise returns on farms in the Elk River Watershed, Daniel Bruce Smith
Social Relationships Among Captive Tufted Titmice (Parus bicolor linnaeus) and Carolina Chickadees (Parus carolinensis audubon), Larry M. Stearns
Tongue, heart, and liver tissues as sources of calcium and total vitamins for rats, Gurujala N. Subbasastry
Relationships of ultrasonic estimates of fatness and muscling to production factors of angus bulls at Ames Plantation, John Richard Swaim
Relationship of freezing rates on the quality of freeze-dried chicken, Amornrat Swatditat
Some effects of cultivation frequency and herbicides on annual weed competition with corn, cotton and soybeans, Laurence L. Treanor
The Retention of Vitamin B6 in Roasts from the Longissimus Dorsi Muscle of Beef When Cooked by Dry Heat, Jeanne Rebecca Vannoy
Effects of various factors on prices of pigs in the Cookville, Tennessee, feeder pig sales, Robert Donald Waddell
An Investigation of Written Church Comments Concerning Modesty as Observed in Women's Dress in the United States from 1900-1964, Barbara Alice Waln
Relationships of certain pollen and pistil characteristics to different measures of self-fertility in alfalfa, Chia-Lin Wang
Economies of scale in Tennessee pork slaughtering plants, Charles Eugene Weaver
Effects of fractionated doses of total-body irradiation on semen of bulls, Patrick R. Welch
Relationship of the Characteristics of Some Ultisols on the Western Highland Rim in Tennessee to Parent Material, Relief, and Time of Formation, Charles F. Wharton
Manipulation of the Magnitude of Incentive Variable and Runway Performance, David Mason Wildasin
The impact of industrial development on Lawrence County, Tennessee, Charles MacArthur Wilson
Germination and Early Survival of Picea rubens Sargent in Experimental Laboratory and Field Plantings, Nancy C. Wilson
Masters Theses from 1964
Growth of certain psychrophilic bacteria in pasteurized milk as influenced by previous excessive psychrophilic growth in the raw milk, George A. Adams
A History of the Rules Committee of the House of Representatives, Edward Martin Allen Jr.
Factors influencing weaning performance of beef calves in commercial and purebred herds in Tennessee, Jesse Edward Barker
The effect of growth regulators on maturation, wieght, size and quality of fruit in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), Kheireddin M. Batal
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Indiana, Willena Stone Beagle
Estimating hydrocyanic acid potential sorghum plants from leaf samples, Jim Allen Benson
A Report of Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Jo Ann Bond
Developing a Guidance Program for Townsend High School, William T. Brickey
The influence of sires used in artificial insemination on dairy cattle production traits in upper East Tennessee dairy herds, John B. Brower
Vegetational Succession on Three Grassy Balds of the Great Smoky Mountains, Mary Ellen Bruhn
The relationship of the bacterial flora of the bovine udder to the California mastitis test with emphasis on the staphylococci, Joel A. Collins
The effect of corn on the utilization of L-tryptophan for pyridine nucleotide synthesis., Reba King Coulter
Varations in land-labor resources and optimum enterprise organizations of farms in the Brown Soil Area of West Tennessee, William Butler Cowan
Chemical weed control of burley and dark fire-cured tobacco, William A. Cunningham
The composition, organization and functions of the county agricultural extension committee, Charles Henry Edwards
Health Insurance Status of Selected Rural Families in Sevier County, Tennessee, Willie F. Felder
Performance of grade and crossbred ewes, Antony E. Fernandes
Evaluation of buffer methods for determining lime requirement of soils, William Wayne Frye