"The Influence of the Home Builders on Residential Lighting in the Grea" by Peggy Poling Kimsey

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Lyle Mamer

Committee Members

Phyllis Ilett, Claire Gilbert


A study was made of members of the Greater Knoxville Home Builders Association in regard to their lighting techniques. The purpose was to obtain information about the background and/or training of the builder, the influence on residential lighting and the method used to determine the lighting plan.

A questionnaire was developed by the writer and mailed to 88 members of the Home Builders Association. Responses were received from 48. The data were analyzed by tabulating the responses of the builders to the questions asked.

The results indicated that the builders had background favorable to house construction but not to lighting; the influence on residential lighting was one that would not be termed desirable; and the builders used value judgements instead of calculated or recommended methods of determining lighting.

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