Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Charles L. Cleland

Committee Members

Joe A. Martin, W. C. Tucker


The overall objective of this study is to determine as far as possible from the data available whether agriculture has a place in FM broadcasting in Tennessee. This study has, in addition, several specific objectives: (1) to determine what the attitude of FM radio station program directors is in working with Extension subject matter material and Extension agents, (2) to determine what the attitude of Extension agents is in working with FM radio stations, (3) to determine what types of audiences own FM radio receivers and listen to FM radio stations, (4) to determine what Extension has to offer that these audiences might desire; e.g. commercial agricultural information, home economics, gardening, insect control, etc., and (5) to determine if Extension has a role in FM broadcasting and, if so, what is its role.

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