Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1967
De-oiling of peanuts to yield two potentially useful foods, Ashvin N. Patel
Composition of sorgo juice as related to sirup composition and quality, Thakor G. Patel
Evaluation of a barley-soybean double-cropping system, Larry Neal Peters
Prediction of animal performance from chemical analyses and in vitro digestibility data, John Roland Plummer
A guide for individualized training in vocational agriculture for Franklin High School, Walter Vernon Potts
Anatomical responses of three ornamental plant varieties to specific biochemical compounds, Charles A. Pyron
A comparison of nylon brushes, nylon brushes with rubber ribs, and rigid rods for harvesting snap beans, Campbell Pillow Ridley Jr.
The Administration and Practice of Public Health Nutrition in the Michigan Department of Public Health, Lynne Maria Roberson
Pelvic area measurements of heifers as a predictor of calving difficulty, Oid Luther Robertson Jr.
The residual effects of four selective herbicides upon the growth and development of winter cover crops, Alvin D. Rutledge
Contributions of the heat-resistant lipase of psychrophilic bacteria to off-flavors in pasteurized milk, Man Mohan Singh Sandhu
Effect of various commercial enzymes on the clarification and composition of sorgo juice, Lucila Sandoval-Rodriguez
Effects of selected variables on prices received for calves in the Brownsville demonstrational feeder calf sales, George Ira Sellers
Relation of Phospolipids to DNA in Breast and Thigh Muscle Tissue of Chicken, Sarah Alice Smitherman
The phytotoxicity of selected herbicides and their residual effects in the establishment of emerald zoysia, Graham Shannon Smith Jr.
The relationship of selected visual and objective live animal measurements to carcass length in swine, Bob Gene Spears
The bumblebees (hymenoptera, apidae, bombinae) of East Tennessee, David Larry Speight
An Analysis of the Pharmacy Department at Saint Mary's Memorial Hospital, Grant Eugene Spencer
An economic evaluation of alternative planting patterns for cotton in Tennessee, Earl Alexander Stennis
Lithostratigraphy and petrography of the upper cambrian Maynardville formation within the Hunter Valley fault belt of East Tennessee., Peter Joseph Tarkoy
Planning and designing for recreation: Cruickshank Bend on Melton Hill Lake, Robert Gene Thress
The effect of fasting on tissue shrinkage and some of its mechanisms in rats, Robert Y. Tsai
The Development of a Device for the Evaluation of the Textiles and Clothing Core Course, Katie May Varnell
An Investigation of the Colorimeter as a Means of Evaluating Hydraulic Agitation of a Wettable Powder Herbicide, Robert B. Wells
The effects of litter size on growth rate of rats, Bobby Glen Whitworth
Effect of Oven Roasting at 200 and 300 ° F. on the Microbiology of Beef Roasts, Marilyn Sue Williams
Metabolism of selenium-75 in the erythrocyte of growing sheep and swine, Gene Withrow
Retention of Vitamin B6 in Oven-Braised Semimembranosus Muscle of Beef, Lois Ann Wodarski
A Survey of Dramatic Activities in Four-Year Public High School in Tennessee, 1966-67, Mary Ann Woodyard
Masters Theses from 1966
Response of sweet potato vine cuttings to physical and chemical root inducing treatments, Farouk Khairi Abdulla
The Effect of Zein, Leucine, and Glutamic Acid on the Urinary Excretion of Kynurenine, 3-Hydroxykynurenine, and 3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acid in the Rat, Florecita B. Acacio
Minimum land requirements for a $5,000 farm income in the brown soil area of West Tennessee, Ronald Coons Atkinson
A Study to Determine If The Self Concept is Changed Measurably as A Result of Test Interpretation, Janet Ruth Baron
An Examination of The Conclusions to Browning's Dramatic Monologues, Charlotte Hudgens Beck
The Design and Construction of a Visco Seal Test Facility, Charles Franklin Bowman
Family mobility in rural low-income counties of Tennessee, Lew E. Brinkley
A Report of Nutrition Field Experiences and Observations In Jefferson County, Alabama, Nancy Jane Brittain
The behavior of added and native potassium of five Tennessee soils and factors affecting its availability, Jerry A. Burnette
Evaluation of experimental teaching approaches for use with above and below average burley tobacco production groups in Greene County, Tennessee, James O. Cunningham
Some factors related to the training of selected community 4-H club organizational leaders in North Carolina, Ada B. Dalla Pozza
Selected electrical system characteristics of Grade A dairy farms in Tennessee, Kenneth Eugene DeBusk
An analysis of factors affecting water yield of small agricultural watersheds, Guillermo DÃaz
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the St. Louis County Health Department, Mary Alice Dillingham
A pulse generator with a temperature-dependent pulse spacing., Terry Dean Douglass
Minimum land requirements for specified levels of farm income in the Eastern Highland Rim of Tennessee, Gerald Vincent Eagan
A study of three barley varieties in mixtures and pure stands, Howard L. Early
A comparison of clothing worn by middle class and upper class women participating in selected sports events during the period from 1870 to 1910, Grace Jolly Ewing
The relationship of selected live animal measurements to carcass length in swine, Harold Glen Fogleman
The Effect of Avitaminosis E on the Incorporation of 35S-Sulfate by Rat Tissue Components, Sara Frierson Fulton
A study of some of the factors affecting the formation of esophagogastric ulcers in swine, Charles T. Gamble
The Role of the Assistant Secondary School Principal, Paul Franklin Gearing
Effects of oxytocin administered in the dry period on subsequent lactation in cows, George Martin Gorman
Reading Guidance: A Study Based on an Analysis of the Interests, Habits, and Abilities of a Selected Group of Ninth Grade Students at Horace Maynard High School, Kathleen George Graves
Heterosis and combining ability in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Krishna K. Gyawali
Suggested formats for collecting agricultural economic data on smallholders agricultural and recommendation for establishing and agricultural economic branch in The Department of Agriculture of Malaysia, Khairi bin Haji Mohamed
Composition of sorghum cane juice intended for syrup production, James Osto Harwell
Effects of soil moisture, nitrogen and several climatic factors on yield and evapotranspiration of corn, Bobby Ray Hathcock
Glucose absorption, carbohydrase activities, and carbohydrate hydrolysis and uptake in the intestinal tract of mature sheep, Foster Glen Hembry
The relation of maturity to total yield and seasonal distribution of yield in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), A. J. Hester
A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Establishing Standards for an Intercollegiate Athletic Program for Women in Tennessee, Jo Frankie Hobson
Effects of agronomic and management factors on estimated returns from selected crops in Sequatchie Valley, William Larry Homesley
An evaluation of crop and soil management systems on selected farms in Dyer County, Tennessee, Clarence Homer Jent
Photomicrographs and autoradiograms of fresh and freeze-dried strawberries, Hung-yen Kao
An economic evaluation of the development of Taiwan's postwar agricultural productivity, Paul Kun-Yuan Kau
A generalized digital computer program for performing process material and energy balances, Landon Nelson Kenny
Major Campbell Wallace: Southern railroad leader, William Lester Ketchersid
Production and management practices of selected beef cattle producers in Campbell County, Tennessee, Kenneth Gordon Keyes
The effects of glycerol levels, equilibration times, and their interrelationship with bulls on the ability of bovine semen to survive the freezing process, Thomas William Lamb
Resource shifts and adjustments in three counties of Tennessee's central basin from 1860-1960, Robert R. Lane
Permutation Polynomials of Finite Fields, William F. Lawkins
A history of vocational agriculture in Tennessee from 1917 to 1955, William Brown Long
The economics of forage and concentrate rations for East Tennessee grade A herds with high production records, Roger Stanley Lyon
Effects of vitamin A supplement on milk production of cows fed low-carotene diets, Gerald G. Martin
Some Relationships of Vegetation to Soil and Site Factors on Wilson Mountain, Morgan County, Tennessee, William Haywood Martin III
Performance, carcass characteristics, and ultrasonic estimates of muscle development and fat deposition of boars, barrows, and gilts, Coy Patrick Moore
Land rehabilitation following mining for phosphate, Thomas H. Morgan
Firewood consumption and marketing in Knoxville, William Ruthvan Morrow
Plumular morphology and seedling morphogenesis of irradiated and nonirradiated embryos of barley (Hardeum vulgare L.), Richard Harold Mullenax
The effects of initial winter condition and level of winter feeding on beef cow and calf performance, James Burkett Neel
A Report of Nutrition Field Observation and Experiences in the State of Arkansas, Carol Virginia Nelson
Credit use and resource productivity in West Tennessee, Kenneth Miller Norwood
Nutrition Experience With the Delaware State Board of Health, Joan Carolyn Parker
Variations in leasing arrangements and optimum farm organizations for part-time and part-retired farmers in West Tennessee, David Mayo Pearson
The Results of the Combined Isotonic-Isometric Execution Compared to the Isotonic Execution in Terms of Strength Development and Muscle Girth, Arnold William Pedersen
An estimate of the value of advertising rights to landowners from billboard site rentals, Lewis S. Pipkin
An Evaluation of the Physical Education Programs in Knoxville City High Schools, Glenn Stephen Pitts
Effects of gamma ray irradiation on pigment betanin (betacyanins and betaxanthins) and its influence on color of beta vulgaris, B. P. Poovaiah
Productivity in Hampshire, Dorset and Southdown flocks of sheep and evaluation of factors affecting performance of lambs, Ben Thomas Powell
Sources of Psychrophilic Bacteria in a Dairy Plant With an Emphasis on Air, Kotha Madhava Rao
The Effect of Cooking on the Phospholipid Content of Lean Ground Beef, Kitty Lee Roberts
An evaluation of two psychosomatic drugs on the domestic fowl, George A. Schuler
Nonfarm employment in thirty-four selected food processing firms in Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee, Lenard L. Shepherd
Chemical control of suckers in dark tobacco, Rajesh Singh
Performance of different breed types of ewes, Ram D. Singh
Influence of age of beef females on carcass composition, meat characteristics and palatability, Robert Lee Sliger
The competitive position of the manufacturing-milk enterprise in the Elk River Watershed, Odie W. Smith