"The Public Career of Joseph Alexander Mabry" by Jerome Gregg Taylor

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Stanley J. Folmsbee

Committee Members

John Muldowny, Charles Johnson


The aim of this investigation into the career of General Joseph Alexander Mabry has been to determine, if possible, the character of this man who had had such a noteworthy career in Tennessee public affairs. The great majority of the source material used on General Mabry has been from original, contemporary sources, since, to date, there has been little written on him by historians.

The scope of this paper has been limited by necessity to his public activities, as they are the only ones upon which there is any information available. General Mabry's activities as railroad entrepreneur, land owner, politician and journalist are the facets of his kaleidoscopic career around which this thesis has been centered. It is from the examination of his machinations in these areas that one must arrive at any conclusions which he is to make concerning General Mabry. This writer has duly examined the source material but has been unable to arrive at any concrete conclusions. For this reason it is felt that perhaps General Mabry must continue to occupy an uncertain position in the history of East Tennessee.

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