"Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Florida" by Lydia Agnes Janca

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Grayce E. Goertz, Cyrus Mayshark


(From the Introduction)

The purpose of this report is to analyze the student's field experience with the Florida State Board of Health 1 Division of Nutrition. During this eight weeks' period, March 22 through May 16, 1967, the student observed and participated in the nutrition programs. Approximately two-thirds of this time was devoted to the Institutional Nutrition Consultation Program. The student has focused her course and field work on the institutional phase of nutrition consultation. In the future, she hopes to apply this knowledge in establishing an effective institutional nutrition program, within the framework of a generalized nutrition program. Florida was chosen as the location for the field work because it could provide opportunities in a relatively new, well developed institutional consultation program and in a broad generalized nutrition program.

The primary objective of the field course was to supplement the course work and experience of the student in developing concepts of the public health profession, particularly the nutrition component. To achieve this objective, the field course was planned to provide additional insight into the administrative organization of public health nutrition and to develop confidence in the student's abilities and performance through professional practice and application of knowledge. The second objective was to observe and participate in the institutional nutrition program. Activities included program development, consultation with health department personnel, cooperation with other agencies in training programs, and direct services to individual group-care facilities.

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