"Field Experiences with the Division of Nutrition in the Florida State " by Martha Hansard Roach

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Jane R. Savage, Cyrus Mayshark


This report is based upon observations and experiences during eight weeks with the Division of Nutrition in the Florida State Board of Health. The purpose of the field training was to supplement academic training in public health nutrition at The University of Tennessee and to complement concurrent field experiences in Knox County. A varied program of experiences aided the student in her study of nutrition activities in official health agencies. Information was obtained on history, organization, and programs of the Florida State Board of Health and the Division of Nutrition through selected reading, conferences, conversations, and observations, in addition to a planned orientation. Observation and participation in the programs in a local health department increased the student's knowledge of the practice of public health. During the field experience, the student gained an understanding of the activities of the bureaus and divisions of the Florida State Board of Health and observed the integration of nutrition services into the total public health program. She gained an increased awareness of the importance of planning nutrition programs to meet the needs of the population. Observation of several nutritionists increased the student's understanding of the role of the public health nutritionist at state, regional, and county levels.

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