"Observations and Experiences With the Nutrition Services, Jefferson Co" by Joanne Riggins Mounger

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Mary Nelle Traylor

Committee Members

Mary Rose Gram, Cyrus Mayshark


The writer spent eight weeks with the Jefferson County Department of Health, Birmingham, Alabama for field experience in public health nutrition. This report is based upon the observations and experiences of the writer during this period of time.

The purpose of the field experience was to supplement the academic program with practical experiences. The field experience helped the writer better understand the functions of an official health agency and the role of a public health nutritionist within the agency. The writer observed and participated in the nutrition program within the health department as well as with community agencies and professional groups. Her special nutrition project was a survey of the food purchasing practices of the food stamp participants in Jefferson County.

The field experience provided the writer with a broader understanding of the responsibilities and functions of the public health nutritionist in the total health program. The study of a particular population and its needs; of an official health agency and its programs; and of various community programs and activities served to strengthen the writer's knowledge and awareness as to her future role as a public health nutritionist.


Appendix D

Nutrition Newsletter Missing

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