Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1964
A study of origins of volatile sulfhydryls in milk, Andrew Wesley Gibbs
Tennessee Grade A milk producers, present and potential, William Dale Givan
Corn yields and evapotranspiration as influenced by moisture levels, nitrogen levels, and several climatic factors, Butler Eugene Holt
The Life and Works of Ruben Saillens, Garner Elwyn Hoyt
Tobacco production practices and net returns per acre from burley tobacco in Anderson County, Tennessee, E. F. Ivens
A three-year study of the persistence of 2,4-D, diuron, simazine, atrazine, DNBP, DCPA, and amiben in the soil, Larry B. Jones
An investigation of temperature patterns for conventional windowless, and solar broiler houses, Lewis Ewing Larsen
An economic analysis of alternative dairy herd replacement policies on Grade A dairy farms in the Knoxville milkshed, Thomas William Little
A 5'-phosphodiesterase of the streptomyces species, John Yauyen Lu
Estimating the monetary value of swine based on both carcass and live weights by using selected carcass traits, Jim Randell Lynn
Techniques for evaluation of beef muscle "biopsies" as a means of estimating palatability and composition of live animals, George C. Mays
Separation of Optical Isomers by Solvent Extraction, George Truett McCloud
The Organization, Staffing and Functions of Area Cooperative Extension Work, Iris W. McLarty
Comparison of confinement and pasture systems for growing and finishing swine from birth to market, Jerry C. McMaster
Education, or the formation of the individual, in selected works of Thomas Mann, Suzanne Menzel
Urban and Rural Differentials in Change in the Agricultural Phase of Adult Extension Work in Selected Tennessee Counties, 1941-1961, Samuel Estil Mullins
The necessary supply of milk to meet the class 1 demand of the Knoxville, Tennessee market, Dormal Newberry
The adjustment of a group of Korean and Korean-American children adopted by couples in the United States, Louis O'Conner
A study of selected compounds used to prevent spoilage of eggs in storage, Herbert W. Polk
Composition and precision of classification of several mapping units of the Appling, Cecil and Lloyd series in Walton County, Georgia, James C. Powell
Selected aspects of county extension financing producers, James Herman Robinson
Factors Influencing Retention of Senior 4-H Club Boys in Hamilton County, Tennessee, Wesley F. Rouse
Experimantal procedures for the study of physiology of the farm animals, T. Seenappa
Effect of Insulated Houses On Broiler Performance, William O. Sewell
Changes Induced in Lipids by Irradiation, Ishak I. Shahied
The relationships of ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness and l. dorsi to selected carcass traits of steers and heifers, James B. Shepard
The effects of amino acid supplementation and medication of salmonella pullorum in chicks, Ronald D. Simpson
Analysis of efficiency of cattle and calf movements in the Tennessee livestock industry, Arnold Ray Skelton
The estimated economic impact of the Interstate Highway System on the marketing of Tennessee eggs, Harry B. Strawn
The influence of loess on the formation and morphology of Mountview and Dickson soils in Robertson County, Tennessee, J. Paul Sutton
A Study of the Effects of the Track Starter's Time Intervals, Michael Armour Sutton
Comparison of Two Fractionation Methods in the Study of Muscle Lipids from Grain- and Grass-finished Beef, Laura Elizabeth Taylor
Use of pneumatics in a precision snap bean planter, Sarjapuram Hanumappa Thimmappa
An Investigation of the Choices of Play Activities Made by Nursery School Children in a Free Play Situation, Carolyn Wynette Varner
Sociometric Tests of Preschool Children's Preference Patterns, Margaret Elizabeth Vaughn
Response of cottonseed to audio frequency gas-plasma, J. C. Webb
Development of an extension approach to teaching recommended production practices to burley tobacco producers in Trousdale County, Tennessee, W. Clyde Webster
The nutritional value of control and antibiotic-treated corn and alfalfa silages as determined by feeding trials, digestion trials, and in vitro techniques, Benjamin B. Wilson
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the nutritional value of corn silage as determined by feedlot performance of beef heifers, digestion trials, and in vitro studies, Garlin Ray Wilson
A New Adiabatic Calorimeter for Specific Heat Determinations from 100° to 800°C, James William Wright
Masters Theses from 1963
Effects of feather meal hydrolyzate on digestibility of an oat hay by rumen microorganisms in vitro and by sheep, C. R. Anathasubramaniam
The influence of heading back on bud performance of one year-old apple shoots, Douglas D. Baird
The public welfare worker's perceptions of and feelings about his job and some administrative implications, Julia Ashlock Birmingham, Gloria Dean Carter, Ben M. Disharoon, Lazelle Puckett Ford, Earl R. Thomas, Mary E. Thomas, and James Andrew Womack
Farm adjustment opportunities in the Baxter-Mountview-Bewleyville Soil Association of the Eastern Highland Rim of Tennessee, Vernon M. Bounds
A Comparison of Open-Pan and Foil-Wrap Methods of Roasting Yearling Turkey, Betty Louise Boyd
Determinations of bulk density and water retention by soil cores, fragments, and sieved samples, Benny R. Brasher
A study of cantilever outlets and associated scour holes, Robert F. Bratcher
Potassium uptake and distribution in a corn plant as influenced by rates of potassium and nitrogen fertilization, Gildardo Carmona
Comparison of Two Methods of Training For Improving Jumping Ability, Bobby Carter
William Faulkner and The Southern Gentleman, James Hayes Clemmer Jr.
The Effect of Method of Finishing and Length of Time of Aging on the Liplds of Cooked and Uncooked Beef, Anne Looney Cook
Analysis and Review of the Job Enlargement Concept, William Henry Dyke
Flame Photometric Determination of Magnesium in Biological Samples, Carole Claudia Ewing
Relationship of aging to the shelling and quality of Southern peas, Vigna sinensis, Joe Dennis Fox
A Comparison of the Utilization of Organic and Inorganic Sulfur by the Rat, Mary Frances Gilmore
Anthocyanidin Pigments of Southern Peas, Vigna sinensis, Jerry L. Graham
Yield and chemical composition of corn and oats grown at different root temperatures in soil and nutrient solutions at different phosphorus levels, Charles F. Gregory
The productivity of Dickson, Waynesboro and Huntington soils for corn at selected levels of nitrogen and plant population, Burgess Franklin Guinn
Academic Achievement and Social Adjustment of Fourth Grade Pupils with and without Kindergarter Experiences, Louise Miller Harris
Urban and rural differentials in change in the agricultural phase of 4-H Boy's club work in selected Tennessee counties, 1941-1961, Veerabhadrappa Chanoveerappa Hittalmani
The effect of protein in the concentrate feed upon milk production and upon consumption and utilization of corn silage by lactating cows, William Marcus Hopper
The comparative effects of liquid and dry milk on utilization of calcium and phosphorus by calves, Jackson Huskey
The effect of limited- and self-feeding of nursing sows on pasture on sow and pig performance, Howard Neil Jobe
The effect of varying levels of nutrition on growth, development, and fertility of beef bulls, Joseph John Knapka
Influence of Diet on the Characteristics of Eggs and Growth of Progeny in Single Comb White Leghorn Pullets, Poonamalle Kothandaraman
Inadequacies of the Present Resource in Education for Nursing and a Proposed Program Solution, Virginia Mae Kraemer
Effect of some climatic factors on evapotranspiration in corn, Kantrao Rangrao Kulkarni
Cophasal Excitation of Circular Antenna Arrays, Chang-keng Kuo
Comparison of Methods for Equipment Replacement Decisions with Emphasis on the MAPI System, Seetharama Lakshmi
An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Flavor and Color on the Dessert Preferences of Nursery School Children, Martha Morrison LaLance
An Investigation of the Order-Disorder Transformation in the Nickel-29.1 Per Cent Molybdenum Alloy by Electrical Resistivity Measurements, Beryle Thomas Lampe
Realism in the Works of Marta Brunet, Gertrude Steudler Landis
An Experimental Study of Spinning Tension and Its Relation to Fiber Properties and End Breakage, Charles Busch Landstreet
Effects of Various Tests on the Improvement of Reaction Time of Selected Students at Tennessee School for the Deaf, Joseph Glennon Lanford
Entrance Effects in Non-Newtonian Pipe Flow, Herman Leslie LaNieve
Some Quadrivalent Compounds of Rhenium and Technetium Containing Fluorine, David E. LaValle
L'Aspect Théâtral dans l'Yvain de Chrétien de Troyes, Thérèse Caroline Charlotte Christine Lynn
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Millican Creek Area, Sevier County, Tennessee, James R. Marie
Growth of heifers as affected by the daily frequency of feeding roughage alone or mixed roughage and concentrates, H. Maseehuddin
A Preliminary Annotated Checklist of the Foliose and Fruticose Lichens of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Barbara Jo Moore
Economic evaluation of alternative cropping and livestock systems for a selected farm in Knox County, East Tennessee, with different assumptions in regard to present levels of soil fertility, Pudrimada Ganapathy Muddaiah
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences in the State of Florida, Etha Mae Munn
Framework for evaluating the economic efficiency of a cooperative sheep slaughter house at Bangalore, India, A. N. K. Murthy
Selected aspects of the administrative-supervisory role of county extension directors, Bangalore J. Nanjundappa
Interviewer influences on the ratings given "values" questions by farmers, Gordon S. Nicks
Effect of Finish and Aging Time on the Phospholipid Constituents of Beef, Sarah Margaret Nutt
The influence of heat and vacuum treatment on the rancid flavor of milk, William S. Phillips
A Study of the Life History and Habits of the Dogwood Borer, Thamnosphecia scitula (Harris) in Tennessee, Charles David Pless
The effect of night temperature upon the vegetative and reproductive developments in lycopersicon esculentum, Biddanda P. Poovaiah
The Relationship Between Musical Experience, Sensory Rhythm, and Dance Skill, Patricia Ann Mays Price
The effect of induced estrus on conception rate in dairy cattle, John H. G. Rankin
Tenderness of Pork from Selected Hogs as Affected by the Application of a Meat Tenderizer, Maria Delfina Rivera
A transportation acquisition model for corn, Joe Kenneth Robertson
Lysine and methionine supplementation of peanut meal diets for chickens, John Bradley Rose
Concentrations of Gamma-Emitting Fallout Radionuclides from Picea rubens and Rhododendron maximum of the Great Smoky Mountains, William Kenneth Rudolph
The influence of vacuum level and heat treatment upon volatile sulfhydryls and cooking flavor in milk, Brind Bahadur Singh
Corn yields as a function of specified production factors expressed as variables in quadratic prediction equations, Lalit Kumar Sinha