"Cation effects on the stability of chemically dispersed sails in pond " by Karigiriah Lakshminarayan

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering

Major Professor

John I. Sewell

Committee Members

John J. McDow, R. J. Lewis, Curtis H. Shelton


The objectives of the investigation described herein are; 1. To determine the effects of adsorbed cations on the efficiency of chemical dispersing agents as related to soil permeability reduction. 2. To determine the effects of introducing high concentrations of calcium ions in solution into a chemically dispersed soil mass. Tests were conducted in support of the Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Project No. H-219 entitled "Pond Sealing." The overall objective of H-219 is to develop effective and economical treatments for sealing farm ponds under Tennessee conditions. In an attempt to achieve the above objectives, a series of laboratory tests was conducted by mixing various soils with different chemical dispersants. Constant head permeability values were determined on compacted and treated soil samples in permeameters.

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