Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1972
Feasibility of using remote sensors for measuring recreation use, Joe H. Taft
A comparative study of photoperiods and housing systems in broiler production, Emmanuel D. Tebong
Information feedback in agricultural development programs, Robert Venable Thurston
Field Studies of Selected Pathogens for the Control of the Corn Earworm, Heliothis Zea Boddie, W. Robert Tilyard Jr.
Performance of feeder pigs of various grades, James Tracy
A Field Experience in Public Health Nutrition in Florida, Wanda Meers Venable
Influence of selected factors on level of 4-H participation by seventh, eighth and ninth grade boys and girls in Cannon County, Tennessee, William Albert Warren
The effects of blood preparation for radioimmunoassay and competitive protein binding assay on the stability of progesterone and estrogen concentrations, Vaughan A. Wenzel
The Development of an Inventory Control Procedure for Low Usage Maintenance Spare Parts, Asa L. Whitaker Jr.
Some Hematological and Serum Biochemical Parameters of European Wild Hogs (Sus scrofa), Michael John Williamson
Quality pallet-part yields from red oak cants, E. Michael Witt
The response of Liriope, Hosta, and Hedera to sunlight and fertilization, Mei-Li Mary Wu
Some factors affecting hydration and texture of four varieties of dried beans, Phaseolus Vulgaris L, Chang Lim Yoou
Stability and Acceptability of Intermediate Moisture Textured Vegetable Protein, Helen Sy Yu
Masters Theses from 1971
The Relationship of Women's Dress to the Social, Economic, and Political Conditions in Knoxville, Tennessee Between the Years 1895 to 1910, Carmen Maria Abbott
Sensory and Objective Evaluation of the Color of Pork Longissimus Dorsi Muscle Heated to 155° and 170°F, Winifred Ann Akin
The utilization of remote sensing in soil survey, William A. Alexander
Factors related to level of living for residents in an East Tennessee County, John R. Anania
Effect of ammonia on water-holding capacity and tenderness of frozen beef muscle, Nazif Anil
Seasonal patterns of reproduction and body condition in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) on the Cumberland Plateau, William Hart Baker
Comparison of models for estimating homeostasis in agronomic species, Edward David Baldwin
The British "Voluntary" Incomes Experiment, 1964-1969, Ellen S. Bank
Some significant beef production practices of two selected beef producer groups in Claiborne County, Tennessee, James Hughes Barnes
Knowledge and attitude toward the use of credit by farmers in West Tennessee, Ralph William Barnett
The importance of the technological improvements on the tarhana product, Mehmet Can Baser
Seasonal Food Habits of the Black Bear (Ursus americanus) in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, Larry Eugene Beeman
Observations and Experiences in the Nutrition Division, St. Louis County Health Department in 1970, Louise Johnson Bennett
Elaidinized Lipid in Relation to Its Effect on Emulsification, Amelia Gail Brown
Effects of soil moisture on a no-tillage planter's operation, Ludwrick E. Brown
Hortensienstrasse 50. The Kreisau Circle and the 20th of July, Thomas Childers
Stand density and carbohydrate reserve trends in two varies of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) subjected to several cutting management regimes, Richard Urban Clark
True selective grazing exhibited by beef cattle as determined after adjusting for esophageal fistula effects, Samuel Winfred Coleman
A preliminary evaluation of natural and artificial hardwood regeneration on Ames Plantation in West Tennessee, Michael L. Countess
The effects of intial body size on feeder calves on subsequent performance, William Fisher Crafton
Special warfare in Middle Tennessee and surrounding areas, 1861-62., John S. Daniel
Movement education methods versus the traditional method of teaching skills in physical education: a review of the original research, Robert Claudius Daniel
Petrography of the Roan Village area, Carter County, Tennessee, James Michael Dregne
An analysis of Tennessee feeder pig prices, Thomas Earl Elam
Estimates of genetic and environmental variances and heritabilities for natural populations of Virginia pine (Pinus virginianas Mill.), Richard Martin Evans
An analysis of two equilibrium models relating to live-beef cattle futures market, Michael Fuchs-Carsch
Dietary Sulfate and the Excretion of Glycocholic and Taurocholic Acids in the Rat, Elfrieda Gayle Fuqua
The Allelopathic Influences of Sassafras albidum in Old Field Succession in Tennessee, Robert Edward Gant
An investigation of the potential therapeutic value of an appearance therapy program for a group of female psychiatric hospital residents, Rhetta Sensintaffar Goebel
A national look at important curricular aspects of agricultural education, Fred B. Gregg
The effects of initial subcutaneous fat thickness and grade of feeder heifers upon subsequent feedlot performance, carcass grade and yield, Irby Jackson Harrell
A study of the policies and procedures for establishing a scenic river in Tennessee--using the Hiwassee River as a case study, Robert Preston Harrison
Design and application of a photon-coupled isolator circuit for Langmuir probe instrumentation., Roy L. Heifner
Growth parameters in the quarter horse, James C. Heird
Field Experiences with the Nutrition Section of the Division of Health, Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Roberta Jean Hine
Distribution of the Fishes of the Hiwaaee River System-Ecological and Taxonomic Considerations, Robert Knapp Hitch
Factors affecting the economic growth of Grade A dairy farms, Ingram Bass Howard
The Training and Selection of a Panel for the Sensory Evaluation of Beef, Constance Maria Hudgins
A Field Experience In Public Health Nutrition With the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Becky Lynn Huff
Developing an off-farm agricultural education program, Oliver Springs, Tennessee, Austin C. Ingram
Factors related to 4-H membership status and selected characteristics of ninth grade girls in Blount County, Tennessee, Ruby Nell Jeter
Effect of level of feeding and age upon feed digestibility, Ray C. Jordan
Shrimp quality response to chemical treatments, Abdur Rasheed Khan
The impact of PL 480 shipments on prices and domestic production of foodgrains in Korea, Sang Gee Kim
Educational practices and teaching techniques related to disadvantaged vocational students, Richard H. Lambert
Hardwood Flooring Yields from Appalachian Red Oak Lumber, Hollis R. Large
Evaluation of some biological and chemical measures for control of alfalfa weevil feeding, Charles Ray Leslie
Effect of dietary iodine on estimated thyroid secretion rates of cows during lactation, Dennis B. Longmire
Elevational Studies of Silphidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Southeast Tennessee, Barry Charles Lumpkin
The Relationship Between Fluctuations in Hemlines and Stock Market Averages from 1921 to 1971, Mary Ann Mabry
Nutrient Concentration in Corn and Grain Sorghum Tissue as Related to Soil Type, Moisture Regime, and Growth Stage, Dan M. Manning
Growth analysis of University of Tennessee forests in Morgan and Scott Counties, Michael Douglas Martin
Factors related to 4-H membership status of ninth and tenth grade boys in Greene County, Tennessee, Joseph Paul McClure
The effects of filtration on ejaculates of bovine spermatozoa, Theodore Junior McCoy
The Classification of Second Homes: A Proposed System Based on an Inventory and Selected Analysis of Second Homes in Sevier County, Tennessee, David Ridgway Mosena
The relationship between production level and reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle, Charles R. Mosley
A Field Experience with the Nutrition Section Dallas City Health Department, Dallas, Texas, Rebecca McNeill Mullis
Management practices of selected cotton producers in Limestone County, Alabama, Fletcher M. Patterson
An analysis of the cost differences between an advertised and instore market basket by type and location of retail grocery firms in the Knoxville SMSA, Dwight E. Phillips
The comparative feeding value of Lindsey 77, alfalfa, and corn silage for finishing beef heifers, Rodger P. Pile
Nutrition Field Observations and Experiences with the Michigan Department of Public Health, Margaret Lavern Pipkin
A Critique of Robert S. Hartman's 'Four Axiological Proofs of the Infinite Value of Man', Raymond M. Pruitt
Enzymatic peeling of shrimp, Pathur Jagadeesh Reddy
The effects of differing batter levels upon enzymatically and mechanically tenderized pork and beef steaks, Robert Milton Reeves
The Brame-Bennett house of Clinton, Louisiana: a study of Greek Revival domestic architecture, Debra Van Ricketts
Provenance tests of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) in Tennessee, George Rink
Age, diet, and temperature effects on magnesium behavior in rats, Mohan C. Sanwal
Food Service Personnel Training and Employment Needs of Nursing Homes in West Tennessee, Bettye Hopper Smith
Effects of selected variables on prices received for calves in the Crossville Demonstrational Feeder Calf Sales, Rodney Hugh Smith
Elaidinized Lipid in Relation to its Effect on Batter Structure, Rebecca Jane Snodgrass
The effects of induced abortion on the feedlot performance of beef heifers fed urea and cottonseed meal, with and without hay, Stanley F. Stansbury
A comparison of barley and corn and barley and oats as major protein sources in diets for laying pullets, Yalcin Suren
Land settlement in Malaysia: the possibility of self-sustained development, Teow Choo Ti
Effects of corn plant maturity at ensiling on the performance of feeder heifers, Robert T. Vickers
Placental Transfer and Maternal-Fetal Utilization of Manganese by Third Trimester Pregnant Heifers, Boyce P. Wanamaker
Attitude of faculty toward the desegregated school program at Alcoa Elementary School, James D. White
An Evaluation of the Nutritional Status of Elderly Women Living in a State Psychiatric Hospital, Nita Elizabeth Whitfield
Effects of selected variables on prices received for calves in the Nashville Demonstrational Feeder Calf Sales, James Edwin Willhite
Trans Isomers in Relation to Their Effect on the Aeration Function of a Shortening, Ellen Brasher Willis