Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1994
Design and implementation of an integrated multi-processor mobile robot for experimental research in cooperative robotics, Martin B. Holder
The quality of customer service of Tickets Unlimited and special events at Thompson-Boling arena, Carol Ann Holtz
Design and measurement of a six-bit CMOS digital-to-analog converter, Rita Najmi Horner
The sintering strength of ash from potassium carbonate seeded eastern and western coals, with a theory for a sintering rate parameter, John Alan Howlett
Microcomputer-based control of exhaust air recirculation in a fruit dehydrator, Lihan Huang
Torsional control of thin-walled structures by piezoelectric actuators, Chenyi Hu
Streamlining the Navy acquisition process, Stephen Eugene Huett
Description vs. prescription : the prescriptive role of culture in Johann Christoph Adelung's Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache, Leah Kathryn Huneycutt
A system to detect color changes using sequential image processing, William Allen Hunt
Fluid dynamic analysis of a non-newtonian slurry, Tommy D. Hylton
Reduction in genotoxic effects of explosives-contaminated soil by composting as determined by the Salmonella typhimurium microsomal mutagenicity assay, Kevin S. Ironside
Model and analysis of roll force control system for an aluminum cold rolling mill, Thomas W. Ison
Microbial safety and quality of refrigerated trout using modified atmosphere packaging, Melanie D. Jackson
Remembering the events of a basketball season : an autobiographical memory study, Jeffrey D. Jenkins
Spectroscopic studies of Ethylene and Methyl Cyanide intensities, Larry Wayne Jennings
The design, implementation, and evaluation of RCalc, Chris Markland Jepeway
Presentations of circle packings on compact surfaces, Woodrow Tyler Johnson
The City of Tomorrow With the Spirit of the Past: Bankrolling the Industrial Development of Knoxville, Tennessee, 1875-1907, Kathleen A. Johnston
Algorithm animation by demonstration, Debra Lynn Jones
Processing and characterization of poly(ester-amide)s and poly(ester-amide) copolymer monofilaments, Martha Anne Jones
Development and validation of positron emission tomography methods for determining arterial input functions, Robert Christopher Jones
Quantitative structure-activity relationships for estimating the no-observable-effects concentration (NOEC) in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), Sheila L. Jones
The development of a laser reflectometer diagnostic technique for laser keyhole welding studies of stainless steel SS 304, Franz-Josef Kahlen
Factors affecting the plasma ion implantation of metallic samples, Sanja Gopalkrishna Kamath
The effects of acute upper and lower body exercise on the post-exercise resting metabolic rate, Athanasios Kassapides
The AN/AVS-7 head up display and the navy combat search and rescue/special warfare support helicopter, Kevin M. Kenney
Risk based procedure for managing a spillway gate testing program for dam safety, Julia Christina Ketron
The effect of thermal creep in an enclosure under variable gravity conditions, Byungsoo Kim
Integrated test and evaluation of aircraft exterior lighting, Glen Scott Kinney
True Volunteers : Women's intercollegiate athletics at the University of Tennessee, 1903-1976, Eric John Kloiber
True Volunteers: Women's Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Tennessee, 1903 to 1976, Eric John Kloiber
A study of the integration of the lantirn targeting system on the F-14 tomcat, Brian M. Kocher
Development of a fiber optic continuous emissions monitor using a photometric cell and fiber optics, Venkata R. Kodali
Combining genetic algorithms and neural networks : the encoding problem, Philipp Koehn
Surface complexation modeling of metal adsorption onto goethite in aqueous systems, Zorawar Singh Kooner
Chemical control of root deflection and tap root elongation in containerized nursery stock, Randon J. Krieg
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication kernels on the Cray T3D, Vijay K. Krishna
Radiation dose assessment for plutonium contamination at Area 13 of the Nevada Test Site using Nevada Applied Ecology Group data and the RESRAD code, Travis Shaw Kroodsma
Reduction of uranium by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans in high sulfate and nitrate containing solutions, Daniel A. Kucsmas
Adhesion enhancement of metal films deposited onto excimer laser treated ceramic substrates, Rajagopalan A. Kumar
A numerical investigation of the response of an enclosed compressible gas to varying boundary conditions, Son Kyu Suk
Stability study of laminar boundary layers with wall temperature effects using numerical methods, Robert Lafrance
Effects of income and demographics on expenditures for whole, lowfat, and skim milk in the U.S., Kevin Dale Lambert Jr.
A study of continuous explicit and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Pamela Stanfield Lancaster
A readership survey of the Commandant's Bulletin: the company magazine for the United States Coast Guard, Scott P. LaRochelle
Prediction of graded lumber yields from graded trees in West Tennessee, Jack D. Leake
Accident dosimetry using panasonic dosimeters, Eugenia Beth Lee
Hotel managers job satisfaction as a function of age, Eun-Joo Kim Lee
Continuity and Change in Upland South Subsistence Practices -- The Gibbs House in Knox County, Tennessee, Justin Samuel Elan Lev-Tov
Continuity and Change in Upland South Subsistence Practices -- The Gibbs House in Knox County, Tennessee, Justin Samuel Elan Lev-Tov
Normally deformed states in ¹⁹¹Tl, John M. Lewis
Performance modeling of high-temperature gas-cooled reactor fuel during accident simulations, Jerry Lichtenwalter
Application of a Generalized Quartic Equation of State to Pure Polar Fluids, Yen-liang Lin
National stereotypes and perceived mass media exposure, Catherine Shelley Lose
Structure-function studies of yeast mating pheromones, Leann Lovin
Riparian forest replacement of mesic vegetation on Watts Bar Reservoir shores, East Tennessee, Carin Couch Loy
Conversion of gasoline Saturn SL-1 to dedicated compressed natural gas use, Edward N. Luton
Parameters affecting nitrogen oxides in a coal-fired flow facility system, Xiaoliang Lu
A Comparison of Amplification Efficacy and Toleration of Background Noise in Hearing Impaired Elderly Persons, Susan Ruth Lytle
A graphical user interface for the land-use change analysis system, Rhonda Lynn MacIntyre
The effects of management treatments on Tennessee coneflower, Echinacea tennesseensis (Beadle) Small ; Wilson County, Tennessee, Edward M. Maclin
Beamed power propulsion analysis for a Pluto rendezvous mission, Robert William Maddock
Verification testing and alternative test methods for the resilient modulus of fine grained soils, Mark Raulston Madgett
Design and implementation of PVM version 3, Robert J. Manchek
The acoustics of obstructive sleep apnea: a study of the over all sound pressure level during obstructive apnea events, Scott K. Marland
The design of a constant current muscle stimulator, Barry Edward Martin
Measured stress ranges and cross frame analysis of the Holston River Bridge, (June 1993 to November 1993), Mark David Mayhew
Development and applicability of artificial reference sediments for interpretation of results and evaluation of toxicity with the Microtox Solid-Phase Bioassay, Kristi Jill McAfee
Development of dynamic test for analyzing free vibrations of bridge piers, David Herschel McAlister
A computational design tool for the evaluation of the interaction between pneumatic trucks seats and truck suspensions, Cynthia L. McCoy
Human frequency following response correlates of interaural-intensity differences, Stacy S. McDaniel
The effect of viscous attenuation on shock tube performance, Nick Roger McKenzie
Perceptions of school personnel and local anti-hunger advocates on hunger in Knox County elementary schools and hunger awareness education needs, Connie Frances McMichael
Effects of fiber volume fraction on the elastic stability of specially orthotropic plates, John Paul McMillan
Use of the before-after control-impact (BACI) design to detect recovery of benthic macroinvertebrate communities after the dechlorination of Upper East Fork Poplar Creek, Anthony Wayne McWhorter
Characterization of polypropylene/poly (vinyl alcohol) blends, Liliana Mendez
Effect of heating and cooling strips on boundary layer stability of nozzles and test sections of supersonic wind tunnels, William Scott Meredith
Optimizing total wire length for internal-external routings, Leanne Tuggle Metzger
Potential problems using yard waste as landscape mulch, Keith D. Mickler
The Knoxville Journal : a historical study focusing mainly on the Lotspeich Years, 1936-1957, Edgar H. Miller
Application of partial least squares and principal component analysis to control and monitoring of a reactive distillation column, Harold David Miller
Development of a field method for the detection of technetium-99 in soil, Jason B. Miller
The role of geographic information systems in paratransit planning : a case study of the Greenville Transit Authority, Virginia E. Miller
Mathematical modeling investigation of the Spunbonding process and role of molecular weight distribution in fiber spinning, Satyashayee Misra
To advance the Redeemer's Kingdom : East Tennessee Southern Baptists amid social and cultural transition, 1890-1929, Andrew S. Moore
Intergenerational day care facility design : adapting churches to meet the needs of young and elderly, Diana Wilson Morrow
An examination of the use of public/private partnerships by the Rivercity Company in Chattanooga's Tennessee Riverpark, Todd B. Mowery
An application-specific implementation of a local area network, Emily Elizabeth Muly
Overdetermined boundary value problems for the biharmonic operator, Scott E. Munn
Perceptions of stereotypes of black males in television situation comedies, Reginald E. Murphy
The evaluation of electret ionization chambers as a field screening method for samples containing natural and depleted Uranium, Michael Edward Murray
Soil chemical signatures of past activities on historic farmsteads in the Upland South, James Eugene Myster
News periodical coverage of American student activism, 1961-1987, Sabrina Moreland Neeley
On quantum commutation relations for the coordinate algebras of coefficients of binary forms, Michael Glen Newman
Aircraft carrier visual landing aids, Wesley Scott Nielsen
The methodist challenge to the established order in England, 1738-1791, Maynard W. Nordmoe
Precolumbian agriculture, fires, and vegetation dynamics in a lowland rainforest : paleoecological evidence from Laguna Bonilla and Laguna Bonillita, Costa Rica, Lisa Anne Northrop
Information management tools for updating an SVD-encoded indexing scheme, Gavin William O'Brien