Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

J.H. Deatherage

Committee Members

Goodpasture, Edwin Burdette


On January 1992, the Holston River Bridge experienced a "full height tear" through the flanges and web of the outside east bound girder. The girder underwent repairs. These repairs consisted of additional web and stiffener plates added to the outside girder. In addition, longitudinal stiffeners were installed between the cross-frames. After the repairs on the bridge, a research program was conducted by the University of Tennessee Civil Engineering Department to obtain the following information: a) determine the effectiveness of the repairs on the bridge, b) to estimate the portion of the bridge fatigue life expended at the time of the failure, and c) identify the limiting fatigue locations and estimate the remaining life of the bridge based on current and estimated future usage.

This objective of this research is to collate the field data, and analyze the number and magnitude of the stress on critical sections of the bridge. From this information, the "limiting fatigue locations" on the Cross Frame were determined, and an estimate the remaining life of the Cross Frame was calculated.

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