Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George Bowen

Committee Members

Dave Johnson, Dave Patterson


This thesis began by examining the use of public/private partnerships in the development and redevelopment of American cities'. The use of partnerships by cities was shown to be influenced by federal programs and policies and is a major tool used by local governments today.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, located on the banks of the Tennessee River has been central to the human settlement development of the Southeast since 8,000 B.C. It was a vital city during the Civil war and continued to grow into a prosperous industrial community. During the 1970's environmental concerns overwhelmed the community. Through the efforts of concerned citizens and local government, the city has become one of opportunity and prosperity. The community's pride and joy, the Tennessee Riverpark was started in 1986, under the direction of the RiverCity Co. The 22 mile Tennessee Riverpark is a direct result of public/private partnerships and represents $250 million worth of investment, including the $45 million Tennessee Aquarium.

It was concluded that the following elements were needed to create the dramatic results of the Tennessee Riverpark: A high level of community support and involvement;.. A dedicated organization to carry out the plan--The RiverCity Co.; Cooperative and visionary local governments; And a combination of public/private partnerships to implement the plan. These elements ensured that the Tennessee Riverpark plan was not just another plan on a dusty shelf.

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