Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George E. Bowen

Committee Members

Bruce Ralston, Pierre Osei-Owusu


Transit service providers have struggled to keep up with federal regulations unfunded federal and variable funding cycles. regulations passed in requirements upon transit agencies that must be 1990 New place implemented by 1996. With this in mind, transit planners are searching for new low cost ways of planning modified transit services. Better information is needed if more efficient service planning is to be implemented.

This thesis explores the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to meet a small transit agency's information needs. Using a case study methodology, the study examined the impact of the 1990 unfunded regulation on a small transit agency in South Carolina and undertook two GIS projects for the agency to see if GIS technology provided better information for their paratransit planning. Full documentation of the actions and resources used is included in the study, along with an overview of how GIS is being used in other transit agencies.

At the end of the research, the transit agency completed a GIS Assessment Form to report on the usefulness of the information provided. Overall, the agency's reaction was positive and spurred by the results of this study, the agency is seeking to undertake other GIS projects as part of their future transit planning.

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