Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aerospace Engineering

Major Professor

J.M. Wu

Committee Members

Gary Flandro, Ching Lo


Shock wave attenuation affects experimental results by reducing the shock velocity as it travels down the shock tube. Until recently, attenuation has not been readily predictable with accuracy and was simply accepted during the experimental process. A mass loss theory was developed by Dr. Harold Mirels which accounted for the shock wave attenuation by considering the formed boundary layer due to the passage of a shock wave. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a computer code, which would apply Mirels' theory to a prediction model, and validate the results with acoustic theory and Mirels' data. It will then be used to determine an accurate shock velocity for an additional shock tube. The computer results will be proven to match the experimental data well. However, additional corrections involving friction, heating, and real gas effects are needed to produce excellent results. It will also be discovered that the mass loss correction results are a significant part of the total shock wave attenuation.

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